Ramblings of a Bee on Exante

Keep trying Bee :)
It does work when we keep at it.
Be stubborn at it for a good few weeks and you will feel better about it all. You know you will :)
Thats all I am doing just now :)
And I hope that by the end of the month, I am hovering around the 15st mark :)
Hang in there Bee - 12 weeks until Christmas apparently - for me anyway this will mean at least a few days off plan, so where do you want to be before that happens?

It is also about making the diet a priority - if you have to eat, make it WS or hell even high cal Atkins style. For me at the moment its about maintaining the keto as I know I then won't feel physical hunger, and even have some days where I could pass on my third pack. Don't get me wrong, there are tough days too, and days where I wonder why I'm putting myself through this when I could lose weight with SW or WW. But I want quicker results. I'm less likely to binge as I'd like to avoid having to get back into keto for as long as possible, and I just want it DONE. I am tired of losing and regaining the same couple of stone over and over. I want to reach that goal, and if that means a few months of really hard work then I'm willing to do it. Are you with me?? *cheers*

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How has your day been today Bee? x
Hello everyone, I'm back from my weekend break. And I had a great time! So enjoyed it, just what the doctor ordered. Things have been mega stressful for me in work, and not in a good way. And this weekend really took my mind of it and I was with my friends, having a laugh, saw a show, spent hours just talking. Wonderful.
On the food side of things...well, I said I wouldn't go mad. Instead, I went even madder. But I look at it as a 24-hour break. Saturday I stuck with Exante until the evening when we went out before the show to find somewhere to eat. Unfortunately, I was overruled by the majority and we ended up in a place that only does pizza and pie. Epic fail. But the pizza was freshly made to order and with such a thin ase that I think it wasn't too bready. So I was ok with it and stuck to diet drinks, no alcohol, no desserts.
But then Sunday...we found a gorgeous cafe for breakfast, I ended up having eggs benedict and croissant with jam after. So I can say that I well and truly stepped off the Exante wagon (didn't fall of it, it was deliberate), but I just stepped right back on it. I don't feel bad about it, it was a great weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Plus, I was on my monthly so I think that didn't help. But I'm back on 100% as of this morning.

@ Lynne
As far as the Great British Bake Off is concerned, it's funny you should say that because I thought exactly the same thing. In a strange way, I found it satisfying to watch but not have any of it. I'd wake up the next morning and for a split second thinking I cheated on my diet, but then remembering and it would give me a real sense of control. I'm sure it's a phase and in the wrong frame of mind, it might actually send me off to the bakery to buy a massive victoria sponge cake, but right now it seems to help me. How weird. And I think you are right about your friend. I've done it before myself, on Exante, to cook for people and watch them eat and enjoy it and that sort of did it for me.
Keep trying Bee :)
It does work when we keep at it.
Be stubborn at it for a good few weeks and you will feel better about it all. You know you will :)
Thats all I am doing just now :)
And I hope that by the end of the month, I am hovering around the 15st mark :)

I like that, Marge, being stubborn about it. Yes, that's really what it comes down to. Sheer petulance. I WILL lose that weight :D
Had a brief break this weekend but right back on plan today and despite most weekends from now until the foreseeable future involving some sort of socialising/food, I will give it my best try to stick with the plan.

I'm going to spend a weekend at a friend's soon and she's a low carber, not for dieting, she's thin as a rake. But she just feels so much better on it so that will help.
Good morning Bee and a massive well done for dropping into the next stone bracket.

You absolutely WILL lose this weight! I think when you feel so positive and in the zone, then this diet is the easiest ever. Hang on in there xx
Hang in there Bee - 12 weeks until Christmas apparently - for me anyway this will mean at least a few days off plan, so where do you want to be before that happens?

It is also about making the diet a priority - if you have to eat, make it WS or hell even high cal Atkins style. For me at the moment its about maintaining the keto as I know I then won't feel physical hunger, and even have some days where I could pass on my third pack. Don't get me wrong, there are tough days too, and days where I wonder why I'm putting myself through this when I could lose weight with SW or WW. But I want quicker results. I'm less likely to binge as I'd like to avoid having to get back into keto for as long as possible, and I just want it DONE. I am tired of losing and regaining the same couple of stone over and over. I want to reach that goal, and if that means a few months of really hard work then I'm willing to do it. Are you with me?? *cheers*

I'm totally with you :D

I really get where you're coming from and I'm the same, every day is a bit different and we go through peaks and troughs, but the overriding theme in all of them has got to be the diet and the focus on the end goal.

I want to see how close I can get to the 12s by the end of the year, although I don't celebrate Christmas, the end of a year and the beginning of a new one is always a big milestone somehow and a good aim I think. Plus, I'm really hoping to go on holiday in January, somewhere random and sunny :)
Glad to hear you enjoyed your weekend Bee - sometimes we need a wee break to help us get back into with fresh determination, and I don't think it will affect your weight loss really - a day or two on exante and anything you might have gained will be gone. I've actually read some diaries where people have had a wee weekend off and then a woosh of weight loss, like the metabolism gets a wee shock or something... Anyway, glad to have you back and to hear you're feeling focussed. I'd also like to get out of the 12s (even if it's 11st 13 3/4!) by the end of the year - it's nice to think that we can start the next year with a fresh goal in mind and feeling proud of what we've achieved already :)
Hi you. Sounds like you had a cracking weekend - and not too naughty either! I bet I had much more in just one go at the party I went to on Saturday night! Back on the wagon today and raring to go. You're doing so well. I've set up a new challenge (steps) in case you're interested.
Im glad you had a good weekend Bee :)
It will be interesting to hear how you get on at your low carbing friends house :)
Thanks Marge, yes, will let you know. She has stayed over at mine before and just brought her own bits and bobs coz I wasn't low carbing then, and it worked just fine. She's one of those people who don't care what you eat or don't eat and never ask or judge, she just accepts it. Which I think is a lovely quality so I'm not too worried about bringing food packs and will perhaps have a meal with her in the evenings.
By the way, Lynne, although I haven't joined the steps challenge (no pedometer, no money), I felt very motivated by the fact that the challenge is actually going on. So when I got home last night, I put my waterproofs on because it was blowing a gale here and chucking it down with rain and walked. I meant to just walk to the next turn in the lane (out here in the sticks) but I found it so invigorating and refreshing that I walked a lot further than intended. All in all, it was only about 45 minutes but I felt so energised when I got home. So will try and do again tonight. I used to live near the beach and I would walk every night after work, come rain or shine, just down to the coast and back home again which was altogether about 2 miles. So nothing dramatic. But oh my word, I was a lot fitter in myself then. Especially because I have a sit-down job and get so tired just from not moving basically. So I'm quite motivated to take it up again :)
I love walking down by the coast, and walking in the rain (as long as I know im going home to get dried)
There is something about it. All the water charged ions or something in the air do you good :)
Yea I have wondered before whether it's something chemical that makes walking in the rain so satisfying. I actually prefer a brisk walk in stormy cold weather (with the right clothes of course) to a summer's walk, it's almost like the force of all the elements recharges you.
Will try again tonight. Although my hair matters a bit too much tonight, freshly washed and it goes frizzy just from me saying the word humidity. Hmmm.
Good afternoon Bee, I love a long walk in the rain too! xx

My best friend lives on the coast, and doesn't understand how jealous I am. I'd love it as my walk home after a stressful work day!
Hi Bee Have you been for a walk tonight?
No walk last night! It wasn't raining, it was absolutely hammering down and I couldn't face that, roads flooding, river overflowing kind of rain. Lame I know.
Weighed in this morning and I'm 1 lb down from last weigh in which I'm quite pleased about considering the blow out on the weekend. Whoop.
Here's to another good day, Total Solutions People, One Hundred Percent! :D
Ohhh thats good :)
Heres to next week :D
Good afternoon and well done Bee xx