I guess it's about facing food challenges sensibly without going overboard - not my forte I'm afraid!
Thank you ShrimpI must say I feel quite hung over today, I did have some more naughty stuff yesterday and in the end I got so annoyed with myself I grabbed the nearest thing I could find which turned out to be my heat protection hair spray and sprayed it all over the leftovers and chucked them.
So today I'm drinking more water than ever to flush my system and might hold off on the weighing for a day or two.
No, same here. Another thing to learn and adjust. It's the going overboard for years that has eventually led me to nearly 16st so I am trying very hard to differentiate between a "night off" from the diet and then carrying on 100% again and a self destructive binge that takes me back to old patterns. Difficult process.
It is so difficult but I certainly find it easier with exante than other diets like WW and SW. I guess we've just got to keep practicing and eventually we'll get it right. It really annoys me that I'm still having to work towards my pre Philadelphia weight just because instead of having sensible time off in Turkey I went totally wild, eating and drinking way overboard!