I was just looking at my stats, currently I still have 6st4.5lb to lose. Realised that on the next weigh in on 1 March, for the first time in a very long time, I'll have less than 6st to lose. It probably doesn't sound as riveting to you as it does to me. But I was at a point at my highest weight in the past when I had 8+ stone to lose. If you think that at my height 8-9 stone is a healthy weight, I was double my weight for a long time.
And although I didn't stick Exante out last year and had many re-starts and many slip ups, I am 1.5st lighter now than I was when I started Exante and despite messing around, that is still my total loss. That is nearly 25% of what I want to lose overall. So it's quite steady really. As much as I want a faster and more focused loss this year, I'm still pleased with this.
It's funny how a different angle on the same situation can help you rather than make you feel down. This has given me a little boost. Maybe you could try it too