Random lowcarb ups, downs and giggles

Can't imagine why I thought of you guys when I saw this! x


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Im having to go out for dinner, chinese. What on earth am I going to have? I will have to eat as its my sons meal out and he will notice. He could pick anywhere for a family meal and "chat", I was hopin for the steak house MMMmmmm

Duck meat u think? As thats not covered in "stuff" with some salad. Apart from that im stuck!

Hungry Woofy X
What about some dry ribs if they do them? Would sticky ribs be really bad? Crispy duck should be ok, but not sure about the pancakes. Also what about satay chicken sticks? Just guessing, so someone else might want to comment??
What about some dry ribs if they do them? Would sticky ribs be really bad? Crispy duck should be ok, but not sure about the pancakes. Also what about satay chicken sticks? Just guessing, so someone else might want to comment??

Dry ribs might be ok with ducky and salad. Ive never had satay chicken, is that the chicken on a stick thingy?, is it dry?

Oh I want to eat everything but im going to be a good girl. OH said have what ever I want and he will lick the sauce of it. lol... NNice... :8855:

Im going to eat a little something before I go so dont go "STARVING" and forget my plan of being good....

Any1 want a doggy bag brought back??

Woofy X
Yes chicken satay is on sticks. You can get it as a dish, but that will be full of MSG. It has a peanut sauce, which you could ask them to serve on the side and then just have what you want. I am jealous. Would kill for chinese food right now. But am off to the harvester for chicken or fish with salad, so looking forward to that.
I want a chinese as well but this isnt the same.... B4 I would have a lot of everything and feel stuffed and fat after followed by the guilt feelings.... 2n im going to leave the chinese, comfy with my jeans still done up as I havent pigged out... OINK! OINK! OINK!

Woofy X
well im having a girly night in with my little un , movie night , probably barby 12 dancing princesses no doubt ( for the 100th time :0))
enjoy just slobbing under the blanky , might even treat myself to a voddy and caffeine free diet coke aka brown water lol
ooo my life is soooo exiting
I'm having a curry & red wine tonight... its gotta be done!
Curry's much easier to choose from than chinese... from what I remember pretty much most of chinese is covered in sugar I had gestational diabetes while pregnant with both my 2 & chinese was a no-no!

I'm sure I have seen in a thread here that somebody had something from a chinese & Jim (font of all knowledge) said that was the best to have... hopefully he'll be along to help you out of not I'll try to find out what it was... mainly egg.

Ok waffle over now! x
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right back atcha , my lovely rose my hubby had me sent , with chocolate s !!!! the devils work !!! bless him ill make my friends eat them tonight and ill just have some diabetic thorntons so as not to miss out :0) not that im missing chocs.:eek:

happy happy valentines to you all , alone or together , we all need a little lurve :0):sign0168::heartpump:xxx

How Jim ends His friday Night. OINK OINK! hee hee

Have a lovely day where ever you are, what ever your doing!!

Woofy X
Haha woofy thats brilliant!! x
absolutely love it woofie , youre a gem !!!!:8855:

IM SO MAD!!!!!!

OK, *he* is on Atkins and I do all the cooking. Do all the research for dinners and stuff. Today is Sunday, roast dinner day, so I cook a roast chicken with veg (spuds for the boys) instead of "gravey" I do a meat juices with cream sauce. HE TAKES 1 LOOK AT IT (WITH OUT EVEN TRYING ANY OF IT) SAY`S " I AINT EATING THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


He is now sulking in the kitchen. Ive banged every door going cause Im so bloody anger with him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So from now HE CAN STAY FAT!!! Unless he does something about it as im not!!!!

Why do I even bother!!! Its not like ive not enough on my bloody plate!!

Red wine is now open and I off to have a big fat drink!!!!

Sorry for the rant but im so upset, the useless, ungratefull **** ( fill the star as you may, but make it bluer )
