My granddaughters went home with their dad about 1pm - my daughter is still in hospital and is booked in for surgery tomorrow morning so I'm going to be picking the girls up from school and playing it by ear from there.
We decided that we needed to 'get away from it all' after a hectic few days and weeks of foul weather and so went to the beach at about 2pm - just me, steve and our youngest, Sophie (11). It was very breezy to say the least but the sun was shining and the surf was up ... there were dozens of kite surfers out and Sophie 'the mermaid' took to the sea with her body-board.
I wish I could show you just how wonderful it all looked with the huge multi-coloured kite canopies floating in a blue sky - it was really breath-taking!
Sophie spent the next three hours messing about on the waves whilst we just chilled and watched the amazing scene. I took along some crisps and there was an ice-cream van nearby but I was happy sipping water.
At 5pm, we went home, Sophie jumped in the shower & changed then we met my sister and her kids down at the bay and went for a walk to Fort Gilkicker, a disused fort right on Spithead where the dogs can run and the kids can climb, mess about and just be kids.
After a good long walk, we went home where I made a chicken casserole with mash & veg for the others and I had tuna followed by a CD mousse.
I am totally pooped - but in a good way for once

. Today has been a good day.
Your support and kind comments have meant the world to me - thanks everyone xx