Thanks Jan
Oh, I know.....was just in a daze yesterday and the fear of failing took over big style! Made me realise how vulnerable I am, which isnt a bad thing to be honest.
I am ok today; although still feel a wee bit shaky in my mind, attitude! But know I will get over it..phew,,thankfully!
Yes, gonna stick to the refeed day 4-7 again this week, even whilst in Glasgow over the weekend. I do plan to go to the pharmacy on Thursday as Michelle, my usual girl is there and I will want to chat to her before I go on holiday. And, I will eat my carbs too

Being the good girl that I am.
It was a lesson yesterday, albiet very hard, but I got a positive out of it, which is important to me.
I do look forward to coming back on TFR (which I wasnt before), and I look forward to being the person deep down I want to be.
It is all good! And again, Jan, thanks for your 100% support and wise words.
Take care and hope you are doing ok too!