You will be in Kefalonia before you know it

You will be so excited on the countdown you wont realise we are on holiday already!!
Thanks Jan,,I enjoyed it very much but now I feel absolutely my husband says, short and sweet!!! I dont know if I can cope for a week, as we laugh so much that it tires me out!
I have a load of photos that hopefully I will post tomorrow.
Oh, the story about your son is funny! I tell you....I bet that woman wanted the ground to open up and swollow her....normal..hahaha...what the hell is normal nowadays!!! Gosh, I think you handled it very well to be honest but I am sure you have had a load of hassle over the years with the amount of ignorant people there done you for your answers

Yes, none as queer as folk...I used to think I could figure people out, but not so sure nowadays! Maybe I am getting older and hate to say it, I am chaning..hahhahah...
Well, I got the hubbys stuff all sorted tonight...he is hopeless and I would be a nervous wreck if I waited for him, so I am best to sort it all out! I know what I am taking, so it is just a matter of packing everything maybe Thur night, Friday morning.....
I need some sunshine...looking really pastey!!
I bet you will have a ball in Kefalonia!!! You will know the place so well which sometimes is nice cause then you can just relax.
How are we going to cope without both of you!!!!????!!!!
Glad you enjoyed your weekend Iris. Sounds like you did really well food wise!
As for your friends - there's nowt so queer as folk!
Funny story (talking about 'queer' & folk
) - I went to a christening yesterday to help out. My eldest son was Godfather to his friend's little girl. He is gay as is my daughter (I've another son in between those two). I was in the kitchen defrosting some rolls for the BBQ and this woman said to me 'you're Jonathan's Mum aren't you?' .... 'he's a lovely boy isn't he?' (BOY! He's 31 but anyway ...) Of course I said yes and that if I'd known how he was going to turn out I might not have carried on until I had the daughter I wanted because she turned out to be gay anyway (Ha Ha Ha you understand, I hope!) She then said 'but you've got another one in the middle haven't you?' I said yes I had another son .... 'Is he alright?' she said - then thinking better of that she said 'Oh oh oh ... you know what I mean ..... is he ..........????' the poor woman couldn't find a word so I said 'I think the word you're looking for is 'normal' ... yes he is'. After which she scuttled away embarrassed.
This was all said very lightheartedly, I felt sorry for her actually and found it very amusing as did Jonnie (& his husband) when I told them. Like I said - nowt so queer ...
(15 sleeps till MY jollies
) xx