Well I have come on to confess all I'm afraid and to get some help!!!!
I went out with my best friend for her 30th birthday around Liverpool and I was full of good intensions but sadly they didn't last very long. To cut a long story short I ended up having about 6 or 7 drinks and a chinese in china town at the end of the night.
Sadly thats not the worst of it.........
I told myself that I would get straight back on it sat but all I did was eat all day, toast with butter and marmalade, a few bowls of cereal throughout the day, cheese, biscuits, cups of tea with milk. I felt sick and bloated and I don't even know why I did it. I went to bed feeling very angry and disappointed with myself but I got up this morning and decided that only I can do this, I'm the one who overate yesterday and I am the one who is spending almost £50 a week (i get 4 portions a day 'cos I am over 5' 11") and it is all just a waste if I don't stop messing about with my body.
My friend has just rang me and i am meeting her at the gym in 20 mins so hopefully I can try to undo some of the damage and burn off a fair bit of the glycogen stores that will have mounted up over the past 2 days. I am a very honest person and I just wanted to come on and post how I am feeling and what I have done because if I don't face up to it then i won't get back in the saddle and carry on!!!!!!!!
I have got an exercise schedule sorted for this week so here I am, back at square one and needing loads of support to get through this week and to get back into ketosis land.
bye for now 'cos I am off to the gym.....