Thanks Flowey and Maluvoo

. Coming to the end of my fifth week, WI on Monday. My CDC said it's usual to keep losing 3 or 4lbs a week now, am hoping for 4 again

. I have stopped weighing myself at home now, this was not achieving anything, just making me upset when the scales did not move from one day to the next.
Finding motivation was easy after reading so many success stories, on here and on other forums

. Finally decided to take the plunge myself, so to speak, five weeks ago and knowing I pay about £50 for my CD food per week is enough for me to want to stick to it. Whenever I am slightly tempted by some of the kids snacks for instance I just think of that £50 flying out the window for nothing... Works for me

And once you're a few weeks in, you WILL start really noticing the difference in how your clothes fit, which is a great boost for the old motivation. So keep at it everyone, CD really does work, it is so worth it

Soon2bslimmer x