reallu upset ive gained 2 pounds

Hi Jim
Green leafy veg (were talking cauli,brocoli andy thing else)
I can have chicken and those no problem
Im all over the place at the moment as ive got a college test of Friday so every spare min I get my heads in a book as well
Im still worried im eating too many eggs is this possible. I guess im having 3-4 a day
Have a look at the Vegetable thread that I started. That will give you a good idea of the kind of veg you can have. They also say that if you were to put your food in a triangle for the day, veg/salad should be the biggest food group.

There's a great recipe in Neris and India's cook book for poached eggs on wilted spinach for breakfast. That sounds yum and going to do that when I get to fully low carb.
Thanks love. Ah love my aga :)

JM I'd say that technically 3 -4 eggs a day is OK, but realistically you shouldn't overdo it. I might have that many in a week.
technically 3 -4 eggs a day is OK, but realistically you shouldn't overdo it. I might have that many in a week.

True! If I do eat that many, it is a split of three whites to one whole can save the yolks for omellettes another day or for other members of the family...I have max two eggs per day (but then I am doing weight training, etc)