Hey Rebekah sorry you're feeling stressed I can see that all this crazy cal counting would trigger your OCD
How about stick to the packs with a few extras thrown in like you say? You wouldn't have to count as such, you eat quite healthy anyway from what I can see I'm sure you will be fine not being quite as strict on the counting.
You have to get your mental health right as a priority chick I'm sure you know that though
How did the meeting go about sickness? Is this for the time off you need for your op? I hope they were nice about it, that's shocking what you said that they weren't supportive when you had your miscarriage.
Thinking of you at the moment while things are difficult and I hope everything settles into place soon :bighug:
Thanks hun, having trouble with my hands currently. Physio says maybe carpel tunnel or nerve compression. Time I get to two for lunch end up shaking uncontrollably. Really aching, going to dose up today
Yeah diet is really screwing with my head. Just try and keep eating and see how it goes. Hopefully get my surgery date soon
Work meeting went ok. Probably be another disiplinary after op bit can't worry now. Had a huge hassle when I had time off before was just awful, just glad I didn't have to go through it all over again.
At work but in agony, just get through it, gym and home to bed
Trained back and biceps, nothing heavy as my grip wasn't great. Light shrugs 20kg each hand, and pull downs only 45kg, good form and high reps happy with that!
In addition did some cable work, preacher curl, hammer curls, had a stretch and did my physio exercises
Thanks hun, am so super excited, know its going to be grim for xmas, but so worth it!!
No more pain or bruised shoulders & back everyday, cantttt wait
Got a list of things to get sorted before, need to get all xmas shopping done by then also..and wrapped..my movement in arms will be limited so dont want to have to try to do anything much