rebirth of gembomb!

Go girl! One blip - get straight back on it. Good luck with the weigh in. x
girls i need HELP, bf came home knackered and out of the blue i heard myself asking for a certain take away he agreed and the half hour journey to the place i kept thinking he's gonna realise soon and say no and it never came so i said i'd have some protein and ended up eating the whole BUCKET and fizzy drink! whats wrong with me??? i was just after ordering six dresses from america that i need to be 11stone to fit into and they are stunning i was so excited. how can i stop hurting myself?
Ok cherry put it behind you and get back into it again tomorrow. You have done brilliantly and hit so many milestones. The challenge is to not allow this to de-rail the good work you have done so far. Good luck hun. x
Ok. Back on it tomorrow. You can do it and I know you know it too because you managed a week. I know how bad you feel at the moment because I've done it too (bet most folks have) but turn it round and use it to your advantage. By that I mean when your back 100% (and you will be) next time you feel like eating, remember how you feel now (not very good)Then think how proud you were when you achieved a 100% day. Get back to One day at a time Cherry. One shake at a time if needs be. You can do it hun. Xxx
Everybody has done this... ok... there may be 1 or 2 that havent.... it doesnt matter how long this journey takes as long as you get there...

Stop waiting for someone else to say no... say no to yourself... its the only way any diet will work for you!!!

This diet is down to you and you know.... as we do that you can do it!!!

Dust yourself off and get right back on that wagon... Whats one meal.... who cares... straight back at it.. don't let a bad meal turn into a bad day....into a bad weekend .....into a bad week....

Take control babe!!! you can do it!!!

Good luck Gem - you sound so possitive. Do this for you - no one else. You deserve it.