Silver Member
It's nice to see somebody that has set mini targets similar to mine (although mine is my own WEDDING early 2017!!!) Really got worked up about it and started to panic something rotten as would ideally like to lose 10 stone before then (I know this is very unlikely but then I'd be down to 10 stone - I can hope!) So started slimming world last Monday, from home and not by signing up online because everyone says the online only membership is useless, and I have no spare time at all to go to a group - but I do have all the books needed and I'm weighing every week in front of the OH so hopefully that will give me the motive to not cheat (as well as only having just over 20 months until I get married! I think I'd be happy getting down to 12 stone ish as I'm 5'8 so would probably look fine at that weight! Do you hope to have lost all 8 stone 3 lb by the time you're bridesmaid? Keep up your amazing work! Xx
Aww that's so amazing chick!! What motivation other than your own wedding to lose weight! And even if you just do your best and lose as much as you can what an acheivement that will be! You have a year and a half I think you will do really really if you just keep focused but remember you will have times when you slip up but that's ok as long as you get back on it and don't let it ruin what you have lost, something which I've found quite hard to sometimes do too!
I really hope I will have lost all that 8 stone and hopefully more if I can, I just remember being 10 stone before I had the kids and got all settled with my ex and piled on the weight! I felt fat then too but looking back I was slim and looked good! I'd love to be slim for a change! I've spent most of my twenties fat and I just want to prove to myself that I can do it and just look good for a change. Everyone always such I have a pretty face it's just my weight that lets me down (not everyone says the weight part but good friends and family are honest)
Just relax with the diet though Hun think of it as healthy eating rather than a diet. The good thing about sw is you can have treats as long as you syn them! Good luck chick is love to hear your progress and like you say we have similar stats so we can support each other