hehe - i tried to comment on your FB status last night but it would let me... i think it's playing up as sometimes i can comment and sometimes i can't.. grr!
glad you let your hair down last night

hope your head's ok this morning!
i can't drink anymore at all! it started after i had my little girl (10 years ago)... every time i had a drink i got a MASSIVE hangover the next day, even if it was just one drink. and it's just progressed from there. if i even have a tiny SIP of alcohol, i start to feel woozy, my head starts thumping, my heart pounds and i feel sick - all within about 5 mins!
my doc says i've developed an intolerance to alcohol

must be a payback from years of underage drinking and getting no hangovers!

how you doing this morning red? you doing any exercise today? bike/gym? x