~~**Rela's Diary**~~

Sorry to hear about the crap with your family. Ugg. I hate those things.
I know exactly what you mean about degree. I am now in my 3rd year and have spent the past 6 weeks (with a weeks hol inbetween:rolleyes:) doing 5 assignments, almost one a week. I am currently unemployed so that makes it a teeny easier, but not much!!!
Best of luck on the CD journey. Wow, you sure are taking on a lot.
Whats ur degree in btw
Thanks Clarri & Janey :)

Janey- yeah I did quite well on CD previously and a detox diet I did, so I'm hoping it goes as well this time, I've been low carb for 7 days and CD since Monday and lost 8lb ish already so I'm pretty happy so far :)

Clarri- 1st year is Combined English & Psychology but next year I'm transferring to Specialist Award Psychology because I have suprisingly found I've taken to it easier than the Literature :eek: What are you studying?
Yeah they have a handy knack of all coming at once eh? Grrrr!
So yesterday I decided I was ready to SS, I've worked my way up (or should that be down?) to it, and managed fine with my 3 shakes, felt a bit hungry but nowt I couldn't handle. Then what happens this morning? TOTM. Grrrrrrrr. I'm still SS'ing but probably won't show any benefits for a good week or so, my body is a stubborn water retainer. Hmpff! I have the best timing LOL.
I dunno if I have some kind of bug but I just don't seem to be tolerating SS this time. Its not the hunger, I just feel constantly sick- moreso after a shake, and I'm barely tolerating the taste too, I used to love the Choc and Cappucino ones but now its like the best of a bad bunch. Hmmmmm, will have to see how it goes, might have to go up back up to add a meal or whatever its called now to try and combat this sicky feeling. I can't get ill, I haven't got the time!!!! LOL
Fell off the dieting wagon slightly yesterday with it being Thanksgiving and all, but no weight on so thats good! Have a meal out today but will have a salad and be good LOL deciding to just substitute meals with shakes as and when I can tolerate it or feel up to it, and it seems to be working.
I'm back (again). I have motivation aplenty, enough for everyone on here at least LOL
Truly I feel energised and up for 2009. Come Halloween I will be a svelte 8st goddess with her first year of uni under her belt, 2 mentoring placements done, a summer spent playing in the garden with my kids, I will finally have mastered time management and will be happy and healthier than I've been in many years.

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love Atkins, he was a genius. 5 days in and 6lbs off. Awesome!!!
No weight off today but I ended up at work til almost midnight last night and was starving so midnight pork crunch obviously not a good idea LOL

Still feeling energised and *gasp* happier, at this rate I might finally kick the depression demon!
Oh man I am so ill, really CBA with going out tonight but will never hear the end of it if I don't :(
I've got this vile cold and cough thing thats doing the rounds, the usual, achey head, achey neck, head full of goo, achey ears, cough, runny nose, sore throat, lethargy....

Could be worse I suppose, was just feeling very sorry myself yesterday as had zero sleep pretty much as was coughing all night and couldn't settle. But getting fairly drunk last night knocked me out so I've a good 8 hours kip in me now and feeling slightly better!
Hope you're good matey. x
Cold has gone yay! Feeling much brighter :) Weigh in today and 3lbs off, very happy with that loss and still enjoying my diet 2 weeks in. Hopefully I'll meet all my weight deadlines and come halloween I can slink about in a size 8 catwoman costume LOL
Finally coming off I think, cycles are so messed up lately, think I might have to go on the pill again to regulate me a bit. Feel super bloated again today though and I haven't deviated from the diet so its not through food, gonna try a cuple of extra pints of water today in case its water retention, they say its best to drink more when you;re retaining don't they? Weird logic but we'll see if it works I suppose :D
Weigh-in day today, 2.5lbs off this week, I'm happy with that as Aunt Flo hung around for 8 days this month so crossed last week and this week. :D