Silver Member
*I Just want to say don't bash or attack people on my thread, this isn't a thread to judge peoples believes its just me asking for help/guidance (never used to have to put this on threads but some people in minis enjoy winding people up atm)
Anyway the point of this thread is that i am a lost soul, always have been. I was bought up athiest (although i was christened in a c of e church as a baby) and since a teenager have researched/practised/observed a few religions (c of e, catholic, buddism, wicca- never properly practised just read alot of books) none of them feel like home if that makes sense. The truth is i really don't no where i belong but i know i must belong somewhere.
Recent event have made me feel more lost and i can't get rid of this feeling, so i guess i should do something about it. I know religion isn't always top of everyones agenda these days but i could really use some advice and guidance and probably a little courage!
have you tried going to a spiritualist church? i go to a local spiritualist church now and then - its like an informal service with a few prayers and singing but focuses more on spiritual side - people getting messages from loved ones and also sending out thoughts and prayers for those people who have been put in the prayer book eg ill family members.
I do not sing or say the prayers, i am an athiest but would love to be convinced otherwise! i have studies philosophy, many religions and sociology and i can not believe that an all lvong all powerful god exists (as stated in the bible) when so much evil and suffering goes on in the world, i have studied all the arguments for and againsts the existence of god and i still do not believe in him (although not 100%). I would love to believe and have a religion to follow, i like yourself have felt lost and i do respect people that believe, infact i envy them to some extent.
i have started going to the spiritualist church when i lost a close family member and am very interested in most aspects of spiritualism (tarot cards etc) it would be nice to believe that when we die there is an after life but as Carl marx says 'religion is the opium of the people' it is 'drugs' them into believing that if they work hard in this life then they will be rewarded by eternal life in heaven, religion is man made by the upper classes to create power and dominance over the lower classes not sure if this is so true these days and i'm not saying i believe what marx says. I can see religion making a big return these days the stars are already following religions - we all need some sence of belonging and purpose and money can only buy you so much. any way i look forward to your reply i love to have discussions like this