Silver Member
My nephews catholic school forced him to sit in a empty room for 1 whole week whilst the two simple shave lines in the side of his Afro grew out.
WAY TO STRICT... Detention maybe but to miss a whole week of education near exams!!!
i agree with punishment for this but no education for a week is too harsh! however if he didnt have his hair like this in the first place then there would be no problem
dress codes and uniforms are there to stop bullying and for a sense of belonging and pride, personally i think many parents are getting way to laid back in many aspects of their childrens lives eg buying teens alcohol, letting them dress like adults, make up, dying hair etc! each to their own but personally i wont be letting my children grow up too fast.
parents seem to have the attitude of ' oh they all do it now" and an attitude of once they turn 16 they can do what they want i think this is a disgraceful attitude and this is one of the reasons this country is going the way it is with rising teen crime, asbo's, teen pregnancy.... - one of the highest in europe
Although i'm only young and my son is still a baby i think i'm going to be very old fashioned and very strict. each to thier own and all that