Lara - you could just as easily be talking about me. When I binge, I really binge. When I am desperate not to. When I am terrified that I will gain more and more weight. When everything in me says, no, I won't... The only way for me to head-off a binge before it kicks in is to avoid sugar and carbs in general. Not 100% foolproof but it works 90% of the time. I know that indulging my (very) sweet tooth will surely lead to disaster. This is where the addiction part kicks-in. I cannot guarantee to eat within any kind of limit when I include sugar in any form. For me this is a fact of life. I dice with danger each time I indulge. I may get away with it; but chances are that I won't. Does this stop me eating sugar every time the craving hits? Alas, no. Just most of the time. Cravings are powerful and overwhelming. Feeling driven to act upon them is an ingrained, almost irresistible 'learned behaviour'. The whole cycle is ritualistic. And once we give-in and have one, two, ten bites we have the taste of the forbidden food, and the texture, and we want more. How much more may be limited only by how much there is! We usually go on bingeing until the goodies are gone or until we physically cannot eat any more. That's when the guilt washes over us. We swear up and down that we won't ever do it again. But of course we do. It's a complicated problem and in my case, certainly, lifelong addiction to sugars and starches form the basis of loss of control around food. As I say I speak of myself here, and of my binge triggers. A bad day - a good day! A celebration, bad news, and loneliness. I often go for weeks on end without ever speaking to another human being. That places me at far greater risk of surrendering to food as as a source of comfort. I lost ten stones ten years ago by low-carbing. It took about eighteen months in all, and I kept the weight off until a couple of years ago when my father died, my personal life turned upside-down, I became ill, I struggled with family problems, etc. It's been a fight ever since to lose the 7 stone regain. I've lost maybe 1st 7lb now (allowing for recent cheats) and I intend to keep on going. I have to. I can't bear to be fat. I really do understand your binge behaviour and how dreadful it makes you feel, on so many levels. Bless you x