Had a good week this week. Less than two weeks until tough mudder. Been eating healthily and exercising quite a bit. Did have a lot of vodkas on Saturday but not defining it as bad it's what I wanted at the time. I have been relatively low carb but did eat a lot of carbs last night as was just not getting filled up by protein and veg. Feel fine for it. Having read around everyone's diaries and reflected upon my own I really do feel that we need to stop putting so many rules and plans enforced upon ourselves and eat and live more intuitively and in the moment. For example, rather than me say right I ate loads of cereal last night that's "bad" I better make myself not eat much tomorrow (and possibly not live up to that which will leash to further punishment and rules) I can instead say I really enjoyed having that cereal last night and I've been burning a lot exercising so it's understandable I wanted something a bit more filling and treated myself. If I feel like eating less tomorrow I will do that because it will make me feel better. But if I feel like eating more it's ok as long as I think of how I will feel. It's actually a much more simple, calm and for me at least - real way of living day to day in the moment and not trying to live up to some extreme premeditated plan. I am just sharing what is becoming a way of living for me in case it helps anyone else x