Restart tomorrow again.

Go for it hunny, I think life is far too short to be loosing a few pound a week for years ..would drive me batty!

You can do it, use the heats magical appetite suppressing to help

Sherrie which plan are you following? I've found doing the 4 packs a day with some salad/veg (from list) with the meal pack each day is keeping me on track.

Its harder when you still have to cook for others I have spent the past week cooking meals for my kids consisting of foods I dont like anyway (deffo cant pick at their plates that way)

Keep your chin up & take it one meal at a time... we are all in this together & nobody says its gonna be easy, Its all in the mind honestly, I'm not hungry in the slighest but I can hear food talking to me all the time from the kitchen, my kids think I'm mad when I shout out to the fridge "if you talk to me again I'm throwing you in the bin!" :rolleyes:
Heya yeah I'm following 4 packs with veg allowance and mik. If the going gets really really tough then I'll have low carb bits to ease me into Ketosis. Got so much to do GeMzy ista unreal. Keep me busy. Mums coming out of hospital probably by tonight by the time they all get their acts together and the house looks like a dustbins exploded!!! ;) gotta to go hunnys

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I used to low carb and read that eating meat and fat will put u into ketosis quicker so during my first week I ate more cooked chicken with skin and low carb veg until I didn't feel I had to eat my own arm off. I would only do that if I thought I was going to give up totally.

Do what ever u need to do to get into ketosis, once yr there the diet works.