After having a good shop in new look earlier, trying on a pair of size 18 jeans from their normal range and them fitting perfectly i have decided to change my goal to something more realistic.
My eventual goal is now 12 stone, which i hope will see me in a size 14 top and 16 bottom.
I have no idea when i will reach it, but i'm going to wait and see, ive found the last few weeks quite difficult with only losing a couple of lb's. If i get to 12 without too much trouble i may try to get to 11 stone, but im going to wait and see
There is a fine line between making a goal attainable and unattainable.
If we make then too easy then it doesn't have the thrill factor on achieving it. But too hard and the feeling of defeat is big.
I think its actually quite hard to set a goal if you sit down and think hard about it. It shouldn't be a whim. I had to think, can i really reach that goal or is too easy. We need to work at it to make the reward greater.
Thats how i feel anyway. You may feel different.
Anyway thats my serious side out if the way. So, how ya doin today?
You've got an exercise laden day tomorrow then. Good for you. Hope you go swimming too.
Are you weighing in tomorrow for that last 1lb? Good luck. Though with all the exercise i think you'll breeze past it.
I think its quite hard to have anything thats healthy in a chinese. I suppose anything with chicken or seafood. Chicken chow mein has half the calories of chicken chop suey.
well i used to go these every week and have an all you can eat. Im thinking of ordering off the normal menu, that way ill only have one dish with noodles or rice, rather than loads of different dishes?
that was the goal, wanted to lose half a stone before i go and stay with my boyfriend for 5 days, but i doubt thats going to happen in 9 days haha, was sooner than i thought.