Right, time to stop messing around! Need to find some motivation!!

You never know u still have time to pull it back... dwelling on it will.only make it worse... I had about 3000 calores yesterdat probably more... sometimes we just need to do it.. as long as we arent doing it everyday at least we are taking steps forward

:) xx

Sent from my GT-I9195 using MiniMins.com mobile app
You never know u still have time to pull it back... dwelling on it will.only make it worse... I had about 3000 calores yesterdat probably more... sometimes we just need to do it.. as long as we arent doing it everyday at least we are taking steps forward

:) xx

Sent from my GT-I9195 using MiniMins.com mobile app

Thank you! I am now more determined to be good for the rest of the week, so hoping to limit the damage. Just really annoyed with myself that I keepself sabotaging!!! X
Monday 23rd Sep 2013, Week 7, Day 1

L: Salad of roasted red onion, butternut squash, & courgette with cherry toms, tinned tuna, & 2 chopped hard boiled eggs

D: Homemade carrot soup, quorn stir fry

Snacks: 2 Alpen light (HexB), 3 packs quavers (13.5 syns), chocolate (c. 20 syns)

Total syns: c. 35
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Hi hun, don't panic about the weekend you've got plenty of time to pull it back. Try and drink plenty.

Slim people have splurges & don't gain weight, because they move on and don't panic or dwell about overeating xx
Hi hun, don't panic about the weekend you've got plenty of time to pull it back. Try and drink plenty.

Slim people have splurges & don't gain weight, because they move on and don't panic or dwell about overeating xx

Thanks hun. Tho not holding up much hope as this morn I was 1lb up from last WI... Oh well, no point dwelling - am now more motivated for next week, when I would have prob given up before so guess that's something at least :)

Tuesday 24th Sep, Week 7, Day 2


Boo!! :cry: No way I'll get a loss or even sts tomorrow. Gutted, knowing its totally my fault makes it worse, even though that prob sounds stupid. But I know it's a 'real' gain (rather than weeks when I've been good & gained/sts & it could be water retention etc), plus am pissed off with myself! Grrr.

However, on the positive I'm determined NOT to let this be the start of a downward spiral. Although yest was also sh*t, today my food has been:

B: / L: Black coffee, lots of water
D: Creamy leek & green bean slim rice 'risotto' (1 onion, 2 leeks, 140g green beans, 1 stock cube, soy sauce, 100g mushrooms, 2 eggs, 100g ff fromage frais, slim rice)

Syns for week so far: 35/105
Wed 25th Sep 2013. Week 7, Day 3

Weight: 8st 9.6lb

Fast Day 2

Salad 50kcal

Quorn chilli: 2 onions (80 kcal kcal), 1 aubergine (50 kcal), quorn mince (c. 200 kcal), tin of tomatoes (45 kcal), stock, spices, fresh chilli(c. 30kcal), reduced fat cheese (50 kcal)

My huge pan of free quorn chilli - 2 helpings worth for just 500kcal for the lot :)


Total c. 500 kcal

Syns for week so far: 35/105
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Thursday 26yh Sep, Week 7 Day 4

Weight: 8st 9.6lb

Woke up starin marvin today. Unfortunately failed to forsee this might happen after a double DD & so no superfree in the house, doh! Which means today will be a rare RED day :)

B: Cheesy scrambled eggs (HexA), followed by 2 microwaved alpen lights (HexB) & ff greek yog

L: Salad made with roasted red onion, butternut squash & courgette, fresh cherry toms, & tuna

Snacks: Fridge raiders roast chicken, 2 sliced toms topped with a slice of reduced fat cheese (found out I get 2 slices for my HexA :) ), 6 celebration chocs

D: Homemade lentil dahl, okra, courgette

So.... not really sure what day it should be? Think I'll call it green, lol. No working scales so couldn't weigh them out & also not sure if they count as HexB on red as could only see brown & green listed, but I used red split lentils?

So in light of this decision, I'm going to say:

HexA = 2 x 20g slices reduced fat cheese
whole milk in 1 large cup of tea (I can have 2 HexA on green can't I?)
HexB = 2 x alpen light
Syns = 20 [B/][U/](fridge raider 5 & chocolate 15)

Tuna also not weighed but defo not over as the entire salad used 1 small tin & that included Mondays lunch.

Syns for week so far: 55/105
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Friday 27th September 2013, Week 7 Day 5

8st10.4lb :cry:

Really dont understand why my weights gone UP :( Feel as though I'm nit getting anywhere at the moment & in the past few weeks it's just gone down & then up again....

Fast Day 3

Snacks: 1 large tea with skimmed milk, 1 grapefruit (100 kcal), 1 square dark choc (75 kcal, 3.5 syns)

D: Tuna steak (150 kcal) with ginger, garlic, chilli, spring onion, coriander. Suger snap peas, brocolli, & fennel (kcal for veg?? Not sure... Guess under 200 kcal though)

Total kcal = c. 500-600 kcal

Total syns = 3.5 (58.5/105 for the week so far)
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Sat 28th Sep 2013, Week 7, Day 6

B: 2 fried eggs, cherry toms, mushrooms with onion & garlic, baked beans
Snacks: Grapefruit, 3 slices ham
D: Slow cooked lamb & spinach curry with ww mini naan (5.5 syns[B/][U/])

Plan to have 1/2 bottle red with dinner, which would take me 20.5 for the day & 80 for the week. Tomorrow will be very low syn as another fast day so may treat myself to some choccie as so far under syns for the week.

Syns Update:

2/3rd bottle red wine = 17 syns
3 squares dark chocolate = 11.5 syns
WW naan = 5.5 syns

Total syns = 34 (94/105 for the week)
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Tuesday 1st Oct, Week 8, Day 2

Sunday 29th Sep, week 7, day 7

Was meant to be final fast day of week, but slightly off plan. Not to worry, I wasn't terrible so hopefully didn't do too much damage!

Snacks: 2 plum tomatoes
D: Sea bass with ginger, garlic, fennel, leek, & courgette
Other: Nibble of some cakes & biscuits I was baking for a charity cake sale

Monday 30th Sep, week 8, day 1

L: Homemade veg stew with couscous, large mug tea with whole milk
D: Jacket potato with reduced fat cheese (HexA)

Syns = 0 (0/105 for week so far)

Tuesday 1st Oct, week 8, day 2

Weight 8st6.8

Please please let this be the same tomorrow & not some blip.....

Fast day 1

Plan is to have water / coffee (maybe tea with skimmed milk if I feel I need a few cal!) & then a couple of baked potatos with reduced fat cheese for supper tonight.

UPDATE: Food eaten today
- Large tea with skimmed milk
- Veg soup (200 kcal)
- 250g potato with 1 slice reduced fat cheese (250 kcal)
- 2 x HiFi light (140 kcal), 4 special K cracker crisps (20 kcal, 1 syns)

Total = c.650-700 kcal, 1 syns (1/105 for week so far)

Wednesday 2nd Oct, week 8, day 3

Weight 8st6.4

Snacks during the day: 3 doughnut peaches (seem to have developed an addiction today, lol), 4 special K cracker crisps (20 kcal so 1 syn), 2 miniature heros chocs (5 syns), 2 x alpen light (HexB), 1 Danone yog

D: Butternut squash, sweet potato, pepper, & bulgur casserole with sliced tomatoes topped with 2 slices reduced fat cheese (HexA)

Post weigh-in treat: Tesco Finest miniature choc dessert - at 6 syns for 2 mouthfuls I hope it's worth it, lol, but cost a bargain 20p as a whoopsie :D

Late night snackage: 4 special K cracker crisps ( 1 syn ), another doughnut peach!

Total syns = 13 (14 / 105 for week so far))


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Thursday 3rd Oct, Week 8, Day 4

Weight: 8st 6.6lb

B: 1 x alpen light, 1 HiFi light (HexB) microwave & topped with 1 Danone 0% rhubarb yog. This was lush, the rhubarb yog tastes just like those rhubarb & custard boiled sweets you get :) No superfree tho - naughty Em. Today will have to be green!

L: Leftovers from last night with quite a large portion of rice

Snacks: Mango, pomegranite, 2 miniature hero chocs (5 syns), lots of tea with skimmed milk (HexA).

D: Veggie stirfry, 2 passionfruit

Ended up having bit of a binge again :( - 2 slices ryvita with cheese, 3 packs of crisps, 2 double deckers, alot of miniature hero chocs.....

Friday was also very off plan but not as bad:

L: cheese baguette
D: Smoked haddock chowder with 2 bread rolls
Snacks: roast chicken, 2/3rds bottle red, 5 miniature hero chocs, 1 green & blacks miniature choc bar, 2 pieces cake, few tablespoons cous cous salad

Line is firmly drawn here:

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Ooooh are they free? I like yoghurts that are thick and aren't too sweet though - I really don't like muller lights as they are way too thin and taste so artificially sweet!

I love the WW ones and the muller greeks but they don't have rhubarb flavours :( x

Yep, or at least I thought they were free when I checked yest.... lol. It was the 0% fat ones. I also don't hugely like muller lights, much preferred the danone one tho! Ooo, haven't tried the WW or greek style mullers - are they both free?

Sunday 6th October, Week 8, Day 7

Decided to make yest & today DDs to partly compensate for the train wreck that Thurs / Fri turned into. Gone over my 500 kcal but have been pretty restrained so OK with that.

Food for Sat

Snack: Ham (150 kcal)
D: Tuna steak with fennel, red pepper, spring onion, garlic, & ginger (guess 450 kcal??)
2 glasses processco.

Food for Sun

Snack: very very thin slice of bagutte, cherry toms
D: Chicken & veg stew
Monday 7th Oct 2013, Week 9, Day 1

Weight 8st 5.8lb[/B]

L: Chicken stew
D: Veggie soup, followed by quorn fajita strips with onion & red pepper. 4 figs & 2 alpen lights (HexB) warmed in microwave

Several cups tea with skimmed milk (HexA)

HiFi light bar (2nd HexB)
Aw sorry you're feeling down :( you know that you can do it and you're doing so well, we all have our little blips now and then but having the ability to get back on the wagon is what matters and you know you have that ability :) x
Reporting in with a gain of 3lb :cry: - weight now 8st9.4lb. Guess I was hoping for better as did manage a fast yest & Sun tried (& failed, lol) a DD, was still within 800kcal tho. Given that from now until Sun I'll be eating out & drinking every day, I was hoping for less of a gain, looks like I'll be at least 5-6 lb up by next Wed. Hopefully that'll give me the kick up the bum I need to have a good few 100% weeks.....