I have to admit its been a bit harder recently, at work someone is always leaving, or its always someone's birthday, that's bad enough for the chocolates and treats. Then with December the office is always full of massive tins of chocolates every day.
I generally stick to the rule that as long as you try and stay within 1400 cals a day you can eat whatever you want.
Breakfast = 2 shredded wheat (180 cals)
Lunch = low cal soup (180 cals)
Dinner = chips! (1000 cals) or you can have a foot long subway (1000 cals on average)
Then do a really long walk once a week, say 9 miles (only did 4 miles on Sat) and you should loose 2 pounds a week.
Obviously avoid the Subway/chips what-have-you if you can, normally my daily intake looks a bit like this:
Breakfast = Coffee or nothing at all.
Lunch = handful of chocolates or a soup or a low cal sandwhich (all of which amount to 200/400 cals the sandwhich is actually worse!)
Dinner = 2 tins of low call soup (I am over the liver and kidney phase now, I am also over the kipper phase now and enjoying the soup stage). Soup is best because even 2 tins amounts to 400 cals.
Am I hungry? Not really, too busy at work to be hungry, then too tired at home afterwards to be naughty, don't have bad things in the house.
Have to say I ditched sweeteners in my coffee, I know have really sweet coffee (3 sugars) and its not that many cals, also it gives your brain/body the impression of being full/satisfied which stops you from binging.
There will be about 3-5 days over Christmas/New Year when I am eating like a proper old binging pig, but I don't care its once a year and I can't deny myself. Even if I put on half a stone or more, weight that is very quickly put on is also very quickly taken off again with low cal intake and exercise.