roosnanny...back from beyond...

I thought sugar levels!! But then thought it was just the nurse in me and then thought It was weight!!!! They are coming down nicely fair play, hopefully you should start feeling better soon x x
Hi Lainey, hope you are enjoying your weekend xx
hey guys.:)
i'm tormenting myself looking at fish tanks :rolleyes: :D
8.25 am 9.2 bg mehhhhhh (i keep trying to tell myself that's better than 17 though)
B.scrambled eggs in butter,bacon. coffee,sweetner,milk
11.10 am bg 8.3
L. home made veg soup from yesterday....tasted better today.
4.20pm 7.1
D. oven cooked fish in batter(i didn't eat the batter) salad and mayo....ate the fish but hardly any salad(not in the mood)
7.40 pm 7.7
i've just had a couple of roasted chicken legs,and a S/F jelly
and my nose is freezing lol
ashamed to check in. :asskick:
bg's up in the air after all i've eaten today.
back to it tomorrow..i'm such a fool to myself,what on earth was i thinking.
before anything this morning 11.3 :sigh:
still that's right lovely,clean and green. :D
got some nice chicken wings to roast laters,and a steak for dinner. yum.
Morning Lainey, hope you are having a lovely clean & green weekend:)

clean and green,
had my eyes tested yesterday at all i need now is a nip and tuck....could ask the butcher i guess lol
got diabetic clinic and more in-depth eye test coming up in the next couple of months :)
B,Gs up and down...
headaches ? not sure what they are about...maybe i need to drink more.
bought some new plants for the little fish tank,and bought some ghost shrimp....strange little dudes.
Morning Lainey, hope things on a better even keel today. Always worth upping the water and taking it easy when feeling out of it. I will take that advice myself although mine is purely self inflicted:p
afternoon all
pleased to say bg's are good today...steak is good lol
ghost shrimp,are handy for the fish tank,they'll eat up any un eaten food,funny things because
one minute you see them,the next you can't see them for toffee !! and they scoot around the tank
with their little legs pegging it,like they're on a go fast.
averted a disaster this morning i think,as the cupboard the tank was on was Not designed for an aquarium,
and had begun to warp in the middle,which would have collapsed i've just finished putting it
begrudgingly in the kitchen :(
just had an all milk coffee as i really don't fancy lunch.....perhaps i'll boil some eggies.
toodles ladies,have a nice afternoon.
Hi Lainey, hope all well and to see you soon xx
:eek: hey..katie,how you doing. :D
food up and down,,along with bg's but i guess experiments will put things
up and down....
i've bought another fish tank :eek: it's about 330 litres.....what am i like !
at least it's on a properly built stand for didn't look as big in the photos on ebay.
hanging out washing on this beautiful i love the sunshine.
am starting to collect branches and dry them in the shed,ready for my skeletons for halloween,
well more scarecrow kinda look,but it scares the yeah heheheheh i enjoy
making them,balloons with paper...what you call it...paper and glue...when dried and crunchie
pop balloon,and paint black with white eyes...
whats everyone else doing lol


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Look at that fab aquarium L. And definitely not doing anything as productive as you this afternoon - have spent at least an hour on the internet dodging proper work! :D
Love the aquarium - i've always dreamed of having one. Put off by knowing that it's one more thing to look after plus worried that it's teasing our 2 happy kitties;) or they would knock it over as proved by tail related water accidents earlier today :sigh: :)
afternoon lovelies.
morning meeting with therapists (not mine lol ) i've walked away with a fat headache,
there's never an actual answer...mehhhh
water related accident with cats..oh dear..not a good combo.
i've ordered some more plants from ebay....shhhhh don't tell OH :D