roosnanny wombles back :-)

Morning Lainey, well they really got that forecast wrong, it turned out lovely in the end here.
Hi Lainey, how's it going:D
hi guys.
i'm behaving,could drink more water,but at least i'm eating right.
hope you guys are ok,and the weather is a little brighter for you.:D
Morning lainey :)
Morning Lainy (guessing that's better than calling you Roos ) :)
hay guys,enjoying the storm ? blahhhhh i'm not lol
don't mind lainey or roos lol
Morning Lainey:)
morning :)
off plan today.....had a pitta pizza and a chic flake.:break_diet:
Don't worry Lainey... Get back on the wagon tomorrow with clean and green :)
thanks mate.
when am i ever going to get it right though,
hypnosis perhaps.....?
Aaaw, I had days feeling like that the last couple of weeks, but seem to have got my head in order - hang in there, you CAN do it! xxxx
Morning Lainey, you need to identify what causes you to go off track love, then you can plan to avoid it
Morning Lainey, we've all been there hun but as Jim says, see if there is a trigger you can identify - boredom, upset about something, etc. If it's because the carby food was just there and calling you, then maybe get rid of it/put in a locked cupbard or something?
afternoon lovelies :)
i think i need to be more busy,because i work from home,too many chances to graze:mad:
so it's's got to be boredom .