games i just upload on my pc,gives me something else to do.
going to attempt bread today,however i only have
rapeseed oil..

what will happen ?
going to attempt roasting celeriac like roast patoties today too
yummy roast dinner...hmmm we'll see.
avoided a binge today,with i guess will power,as holiday
season is upon us,and i would like to be a bit trimmer
possible chance of the USA....oh please let me be able
to afford it..please please please or i'll :cry:
stupid dreams in the night,had to resort to calms to knock me out,
reading someone else's diary i think perhaps cheese ? as i had
it on my broc&cauli for dinner,i can't cope with them,they're
actually really awful and sad,and actually make my cry for real.
what the heck is in cheese,where do the get the milk from
depressed cows ......
anyhoooooo no cheese,for me at all today !
so have to eat my veg nude blahhhhhhhh.