hay guys,thank so so much for popping in,it really mattered.
ok..i'm back..picked myself up off the floor,and fighting back !
was so upset over something(work related) it put me off eating..yeah i know...i found it hard to believe too,but yeah
food made me feel sick !
anyway,i'm trying to use this thing called myfitnesspal,and i'm counting calories..bit tedious but
i have lost some poundage so can't be too bad.
frogletts are now out of the water and feeding on very small crickets

(indoor frogs)next batch of frog spawn is beginning to grow legs,and my OH says that if i want to try and make a bit of
money out of breeding the frogs then i can.

and that means a couple more tanks around the place

but he's cool with it,
so although it's raining outside i feel a bit happier.
dinner tonight will be
chicken,mushrooms cooked in garlic butter,salad with some mayo.
snack will be chicken wings...yum