roosnanny wombles back :-)

thanks guys.
work trouble is a rumbling storm,in the distance but you know it's going to come back. :mad:
cold today,another jumper and the heating on,me thinks.
Aye! I agree! I have my body warmer and the heating on! Brrrr!
ok cool,cos i'm riosnanny lol and it should have been roosnanny.

okie changed it to me,ahhh that's better, although i kinda liked riosnanny,i don't
have a rio lol
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if i want to invite soeone to be my friend it's asking for their e mail ? is that right,or am i on a different site to you lot ?

scrub that.....duh......i've done it.
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oh dear...oh deary dear.......i want a new frog :eek:
please mr not christmas govner ....please can i ave a pac man frog.
ho hum
and now it's thunder and lightening,i might go hide in the loo.
Really? Stormy? Wow!

coming along nicely,and feeding,so fingers crossed,i'm doing something right.
these are all yellow bellies,the next batch of tadpoles should be red fire bellies. i hope.
Oooooh funky! My mum lives T a place called frogfield! You'd love it! ;)
Omgggg are you a frog breeder? They're adorable, I want one!

I played a frog in the first musical I ever did and have collected ornamental frogs ever since!
frogfield...oh how cool would that be !!

orientles are easy to keep,no heating as such required,secure tank,water and land,and your all sorted.
oh and live food,and vitamin supplements.
update on the egg throwing...
nothing at my house last night,however a resident from the next road knocked at my house
asking if anything had been thrown,i sort of think he was hinting it had come from my house !
his car window had been smashed,and another blokes roof window had been smashed,OH had a look
out one of the bedroom windows,and the little s**ts from egg house were hitting stones with a tennis racket !
nice kids !
Omg! Where the heck is the child catcher when you need them?! That's awful honey. Hope you're ok xx
not my house for a change !
at least the eggs didn't break anything,god knows how much a roof window costs,or even a car window.