roosnanny wombles back :-)

Morning lainey, what do you feed the Robins? we have a pair every year but haven't fed them at all
thanks guys.
Jim i feed the robin with some live mealworms,you can buy freeze dried
if you can face live ones,you just need to hydrate the dry and mrs robin
really love these,however once you
start feeding,they will get used to it,and
my pair will sit on the wall and shout at me if the pot is empty.
Hi lainey, OK, I'll see about getting some of those love
don't think you'll be able to get the live ones from the garden center though
more like a pet shop.the freez dried ones
will be with all the garden stuff if that is they sell them,wyville(sp)usually sell them.
It'll have to wait until we get back from Holiday anyway Lainey, but I'll give it a try. How do you get them friendly enough to come that close in the first place?
I guess it was just chancing my arm really,I moved my chair closer to the little storage cupboard over time, and now I am within easy reach of them, not that I would temp to touch any of the birds or the babies,but it's lovely to see them and nice that mum and dad trust me enough to bring the babies . I've got some pictures from last year if you would like to see them.
Yes plse to piccies! ;)
Morning lainey, oh yes please love
morning all. :D
lets see if i can pull these up..........and i was actually within touching distance,and was lucky i was able to use the camra.




didn't get any pictures of the babies,they were a little skittish,understandably and rightfully so.i don't put them out though everyday,incase she becomes to reliant,but i do feel a little guilty especially when she sits on the fence singing a few tones louder than normal. lol
How lovely Lainey, beautiful pics love
thanks,not the best camra in the world,
but it did what i wanted it too.
are you packed yet ?
No love, Colleen is off on Monday, we (she'll) pack then :)
ah well, having been an Army wife with all those moves she's really good at it :)
thanks :D

wish i was flying off somewhere nice.
hopes you have a great time.