Rosebug's Diary [back on the chain gang~]

Morning Rose
Class tomorrow and I need to sort out modules for next year and reapply for finance. Then 3 days free which will be hospital visits, hopefully time to see my own doctor and get some work done - big assignment due in 2 weeks and bloody bloody group presentation I can't seem to get the rest of my group to do any work on. Friday 2 classes. Same old same old. If I could stop needing 12hrs + sleep per night it would be great.

Need to try and figure out something to do as a summer internship.

Morning Rosebug. Hope you can everything sorted out this week - nice to at least know there is some time to do it.

Agree with you - really annoying when others don't pull their weight - hope you get them organised!

What sort of thing are you looking for/to do over the summer?

I'm really not sure re: summer, to be honest. My degree is in creative and professional writing, and my other college course is training in radio. I thiiiink I might like to get into writing for tv but obviously that's not easy. Not really interested in journalism. Am interested in radio but to what degree I don't know, I've mainly been doing it as I'm too anxious to act physically and be looked at these days but I like using my voice. Might possibly be interested in marketing or PR but they seem a bit high pressure - have done marketing before but it involved writing press releases, adverts, direct mail, running the website etc, not keeping track of all the figures. So trying to figure out where and what to look for as an internship is tricky, particularly as I'm a very mature student with a career break from the age of 21 - 29 thanks to serious illness.

Edits: I'm also really into childrens lit although particularly Victorian - 1960s childrens lit and might try some editing houses or something. Or look for some sort of charity related social media thing...

One day I'll decide what to do when I grow up.
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Me and mine much the same, Bren. Wasn't a very well week for me or nana last week, was desperately worried, but hopefully we're both improving.

I seem to, if not be getting my appetite back, at least be liking the flavour of food more rather than it all tasting like dust. So that's something, even if I am still having to force myself to eat. I'm almost tempted to do a vlcd just because my appetite is so dead.

Duck, btw, had no effect on ketosis levels, still at the second darkest level. Still well hydrated.

Food today:

Macademia nuts


1/4 waitrose rotisserie chicken breast portion + skin + butter

6 slices streaky bacon, handful mushrooms, boiled egg, butter

2sq G&B

100ml nas squash

TOTAL: 11g
Morning Rosebug:)
Continuing to send get better thoughts and hugs to you and nana ((hugs))

Your courses sound really interesting. Unfortunately I don't know much about media etc for job/intern ideas - try chatting to Susie who probably knows better. Sounds like you have lots of different ideas which Is always good:)

Agree with grown up statement - I'm still waiting to see if it happens sometime:D

Morning Rose love
How are you feeling Rose?
Not too bad. Appointment with my Dr after hospital visit today so hopefully that might allay some worries.
I hope so as well Rose
The usual massive raft of blood tests booked for next week - they take 8 - 10 vials from me as a rule. Dr didn't want to say too much without bloods as it may be one of my usual deficiencies. Blood pressure is down in my boots as suspected and that's the main culprit. Definitely what the collapse last week was. So it's really just an ongoing investigation.

Okay, need to eat.
Yes, thanks for thinking of me Joanne. You're headed back to exante? I am honestly considering Cambridge just because I'm having so much trouble making myself eat. But got so constipated last time. Hmm.

Food Today:

Dietimeal choc shake
1.5g carbs

4 macademia nuts
1g carbs

4g carbs

Spoonful peanut butter, 1/2 oz cheddar
3g carbs

Small fillet steak and mushrooms
1g carbs

Total: 10.5g

I need to sleep now but if I wake early I'll try and have some bacon or cream cheese as I really haven't eaten enough.
This whole losing weight thing is a minefield but we will get there one way or another. Definitely looks like it will be Exante for me though coz I'm just going nowhere with Atkins. Maybe even do Cambridge briefly until you are feeling better and ready to eat again?
Morning Rose, I was lucky I suppose, Atkins was perfect for me