Rosebug's Diary [back on the chain gang~]

It's been going well for me too, Jim, although a depressingly slow week last week, it's just the low level nausea and not having an appetite (unrelated to the diet) making life hard. I am still hoping that picks up though, trying really hard with it. And I'm into my 9th week with zero cheats. Anyway I think I'd better stay on it until I'm done being prodded by the doctors and hopefully by then I'll have my appetite back. I hope my losses pick back up though, I am so so so so so desperate to be 'normal'.
ah love {{{{Rose}}}}
<3 thanks guys

Food Today:

1 1/2 stem celery stuffed with 1oz philly and sprinkling of chives
2g carbs

bacon, mixed leaf salad, mushrooms, mayo
3g carbs

pork chop, mixed leaf salad, mushroom and sage pate
5g carbs

2 sq G&B
2g carbs

Tesco sugarfree sparkling lemon
2g carbs

TOTAL: 14g carbs
Evening RB hope you are feeling a bit better this evening and getting food down you
Eeevening Katie. I'm actually not feeling particularly bad anymore, just very & constantly tired. You have those 0 carb shirataki ramen thingies, don't you? Do you recommend them? I don't usually do low carb faked items but do miss noodles. Expensive to try LCM fir just one packet though - I must must must drop by the japan centre next time I'm in town and see if I can find them.
Morning Rose, you're up early, or is it late?
ah, understood love
Food Today:

2 sticks of celery, 2 oz philly
3g carbs

1 egg omelette with 1/2 oz cheddar, chives. Chicken wings.
2g carbs

2 squares g+b, dietimeal choc shake
3.5g carbs

2g carbs

tesco lemon sugar free drink
2g carbs

Spoonful peanut butter
3g carbs

TOTAL: 15.5g
Hi rosebug my dear. Your scatter graph sounds exhausting!

We should do a run to the japanese centre together - i also have close links to japan but not specific people at the moment. I was born there and apparently spoke japanese first but parents dragged me quickly back to uk to learn english lol. Left at about 3.5. Anyway have managed to live in tokyo about 3 months and done a few business trips - wish i could speak japanese:)

Re the noodles - well it isnt the same as real noodles. But once you get past the fact they have no calories, are all fibre and a bit rubbery then they are great for going with sauces. In fact DH experimented with a fantastic prawn and courgette bake with noodles for dinner tonight - definitely worth a go!

Sleep well whenever:)
I was hoping to go to Cambridge to do Japanese for a while, but I would have had to do two years bumping up my GCSE language qualifications to A level and it seemed a bit much, especially as while I might have gotten A* at GCSE that was a long time ago and I wasn't sure I'd get A grades, so I might not have got a place anyway. As it went, my time for local classes and health waned and I haven't had lessons in so long I've probably forgotten most of it. Still love the language and culture though and I'd always hoped to spend a year or so in Tokyo. Hopefully I still will.
Morning Rose :)
Very low, tearful day today. Look to be heading for another sts or very small loss and frankly I don't get it, there's nothing I can actively change to make my diet -more- hardcore without making myself utterly miserable, not that I'm not close to it already. So off my food. I thought about going up to 40g per day and adding yogurt, fruit and the occasional piece of high fibre toast in but all if could possibly do is slow my loss more and I am petrified of going back up over 13 stone, it would be heartbreaking. I wish there were some kind of chocolate bar I could have without stalling/gaining. I just do not have the mental strength to keep this up without seeing regular results. 2lb a week would be ok. Other people can have alcohol, and fall off the wagon, and still lose. I cannot complain about my loss rate, I know, nearly 2 stone in 9 weeks, but I am desperate to get more off and I just want it to be consistent. I'm sick of the food and clinging on by my fingernails, I need it to be worth it.
I don't use recipes. I don't like meat in sauce really and I'm too scared of using any dessert recipes in case they stall me. I used to look at recipes but always found they waylaid me - too easy to use a bit too much splenda or a bigger onion than intended. If I keep it simple then I can keep track. I know I use sound odd and obsessive but that's basically the only way I can get through a diet, otherwise I'd have cheated by now. The recipes never really taste like what you want, either. I don't really want any food at all, to be honest.

Oh I'm just useless and whiny today, best ignore me.
I know exactly where youre coming from Rose, Im the same. If I want to lose on Atkins I have to stick to meat and veg - 3 meals a day without snacks or forget it. (((hugs)))
Yeah but that is what I'm sticking to, or at least i havent added anything that i havent had good losses eating before, and still 2 bad weeks. Idk. I think part of it must be feeling so run down. Just keep bursting into tears.