Day 7
Remember yesterdays debacle - do you?
DO YOU?!!!! When I was stwessing about being weighed a day early? Well today I weighed myself on my scales for the first time (same scales as CDC) and I weigh 13st 10.5lbs. Im elated of course but would have loved that to have been my full proper weeks reading, like normal people get. But its all rolling down for next weeks weigh in, now - isnt it?
I woke up at 8am, as normal to go and get my best girl (my love, my pure love of my life) her breaky. She had a ham sammich and a cup of coffee. In the past I used to make her breaky and have a ham sammich myself - that would be the start of my carb free-for-all for the day then. But not now. No way. And Im looking better for it.
I thought Id save my bloody delish choc mint shake that I love and adore until I got home after the school run. I have to take my daughter to school as she is disabled, unfortch. So when I got to the car, it was frozen solid! WTF? Its October for christs sake. **blames the ozone and labour for that, of course

** I scraped the windows and from the ice I collected and molded it into a ball and flung it at our dog. He heeeeeeeee! I wish I hadnt though as he came to take a chunk out of my leg for the trouble.
We have a little sausage dog, trust me to have a pet that's food related
I came home and made the beds but ours was toasty and inviting still, so I whipped off my kit and dived back into bed for forty winks. Uh oh! 40 winks, my ass! Some 3.5 hours later here I am! My dog sleeps with us and was super toasty and cuddly that its impossible to to resist a super long snore fest.
I got up, leapt out of bed and rushed downstairs to make my liquid "after eights" shake. Slurp slurp slurp. Ive cut my CD bar into 4 long fingers (like a very ungenerous kit kat) and enjoyed one skeletal finger with my shake-a-roo. Im going to enjoy another shake later, then have my 810 meal and then have the remaining three anorexic kit kat style fingers for TV tonight.
Right now I have a lot of work on and even though I should be getting my head down and getting through it, I find myself strangely addicted to Mini's.
Loves ya x