Rumbly Tums Diary - restart 2013 :)

Day 9
just wanted to write that I've been 100% since I started and even though it feels good it hasn't been without the most gruelling will power.

Had my beautiful choc mint shakes, orange bar and one chicken breast today with my usual ice cold water. Managed all this during a hectic day with a tv film company who are filming a documentary about our daughter and illnesses relating to gulf war/injections/depleted uranium. We suspect her condition is linked with the first gulf war.

Exciting and scarey stuff, really.

Well I think you are amazing. And staying 100%.... that's just something else....
YOu will have to tell us when the documentey is on so we can all watch it and are your beautiful girl...
I'm not around much today maybe tonight and tomorrow but we must catch up on Monday at some point.....:)
Oh rumbly how wonderful you will be able to raise awareness!

Please please let us know when you and your beautiful family are on telly so we can watch!!

Well done for 100% it feels good doesn't it!!

Onwards and downwards xxxxx
Day 10
Today was another toughie only because I took my darling girl and mum to town. They had KFC whilst I went over the road to a health food shop to buy a 700ml bottle of cold water (exciting times, huh?).

Lucky for me I had half of my CD bar for today and slowly chewed on that to keep me from a: Lard and b: Fainting.

For tea I had charcoaled chicken from the kebab shop as Mum and Dad were here and they normally have a saturday night treat. I know our kebab shop serve their charcoaled kebab unadulterated so I didnt feel so bad. I never even touched the naan bread that it came in and instead handed it over to the family to tear apart like ravenous wolves.

So another day with yet no blips but there is always time for that, isnt there?

Feeling quite proud of myself but there is nothing like the feeling of patting your tummy after a fish and chip supper these days - you can't exactly congratulate your tummy on a friggin shake......but somehow I manage!

Hugs xx
Hey Rumbly

Why don't you start having lunch in other places other than fast food places? There are some lovely sandwich shops/delis/bagel bars out there and then McDs etc can be kept for very special treats.

They do say part of CD success is a change in lifestyle :)
you are doing fab hun well done xx
well done... wont get into what ive been up to. (not just yet anyway. LOL)

hope you are ok..
chat soon ok!!
hey just wanted to say hi :) I have just read through your diary and you made me chuckle many times !!! You are doing so well and have a great positive attitude , which is the thing that makes this diet succeed for some and fail for others :)

I am off CD at the moment as i had my gallbladder out 2 weeks ago , I was planning on restarting a week on monday , I am all healed and better but have a friends 30th next thursday , with a meal out , but I am so desperate to get back on and get to goal that i may start this monday and try and eat a low carb meal .. what do you think ??? I am feeling the positive vibe and need to harness it and jump back on the wagon :)

Keep up the good work and look forward to seeing your next weigh in result :)
Gg, my daughter has a debilitating muscle condition and cant put weight on so she can gorge on fast food as often as she like. I don't find it difficult to sit there and watch her, I find it difficult to deal with hunger pangs. Me putting weight on over the years is a carb issue so I don't find food evil..... Just wheat and potato products.
Hi Hon, how are you? Sorry I haven't been around for the last couple of days. It's been a manic, but lovely few days off.
Just wanted to say a massive well done for sticking to CD 100%. I'd be very greatful if you could let us know when the documentary is on. Would love to watch it. What an amazing idea to raise the awareness.
Hope you have a great day today and I will catch up soon. x:)
Day 11
Sat here on this amazing sunny morning with my delicious choc mint shake. There is nothing to hate about this diet other than the odd hunger pang and slight headache. NOTHING.

WE are just about to go and take the dog for an extra long walk which I am so looking forward to. My darling daughter has just left with my mum and dad for a few days leaving me on my own for a few days as my hubs is away with work for a week (as from tonight). So that means I won't be cooking meals or preparing food which will be a nice change. Im hardly likely to be wanting to nick any of the dogs food, am I? **bluergh**

Ive got a college diploma assignment to finish off (Im doing distance learning in fashion design) so that should keep my mind off things for a few hours and then X factor tonight.

I wish all of my previous diets would have been this simple but I think what is really making me stay on track is costs and plain old will power. So maybe Im kidding myself thats its simple because if I were to drop this guard I am displaying, Id be in the biscuit tin going NOM NOM NOM.

I feel bad for not visiting all my buddies minimins pages these last few days, so Im off now to see how you are all doing :)
Gg, my daughter has a debilitating muscle condition and cant put weight on so she can gorge on fast food as often as she like. .

Hi Rumbly

I appreciate that but surely she still has the same risks from the saturated fat/empty nutrition of it as anyone else such as cholesterol, sudden demands on insulin levels etc?

Just a thought?

Hi Rumbly

I appreciate that but surely she still has the same risks from the saturated fat/empty nutrition of it as anyone else such as cholesterol, sudden demands on insulin levels etc?

Just a thought?


Not at all - she needs the fat and has no cholesterol issues as she also has an enzyme deficiency which not only doesnt process her food properly to gain weight (she is 3st 3oz, 132cm tall and is 15 years old next month) but the enzyme deficiency also seems to dispose of all the fatty stuff whilst juicing out the bare minimal nutrients that she needs to thrive. She eats at fast food places twice a week for both enjoyment and because it has absolutely no affect on her health.

When she is compared to most kids, she eats very well. As she doesnt eat potato, her diet consists of casseroles, meaty dishes and pasta with a good selection of veg. We dont eat chips nor fry our foods (we cook most from scratch). All of whch I enjoyed but my problem over the years has been carbs - bread, pasta and cakes. Ellie doesnt eat cake or potato so her only access to bulk is pasta and bread - both of which she enjoys.

She is classed as failing to thrive but that is due to a number of issues. When you have been in and out of hospital over 240 times with a child that cant put weight on since day 1 and are fighting the MOD with trying to ascertain that the 1st gulf war may have contributed to this horrible condition that she suffers with - you will get anything down a childs neck that a: she enjoys and b: something that she will finish.

She only eats out in fast food joints twice a week (once on a sat and once on a shopping trip to the supermarket) - is that bad? I dont think so. Other meals times include a proper square meal of which she has adult portions at home. She has Pasta and chicken at school everyday as she is a creature of habit - I love the school she is at, it has a pasta bar and its her "go to".

She is also under a dietician who also supports eating in this particlular restaurants. Luckily Ellie has this incredible motabalism that stuns the specialists that seems to take just exactly what IT needs but not what she needs.

She has beautiful skin, teeth, hair and nails which refelcts on a relatively good diet. She has 1500-1800 calories a day but simply cannot put weight on. She is a medical wonder but as a result also suffers with aspergers, scoliosis, osteoperosis, photophobia, myokymia, vitamin D deficiency, hypertension, myopathy, failure to thrive. Other than the threat of giving her a gastic tube (which we are against) she is expected to be offered supplements to top her up. We think this wont make an ounce of difference becuase the NHS need to identify why she isnt processing the food she is already eating and enjoying before shoving a tube in her tummy (both invasiv and uncomfortable). I dont think she should be punished with having a gastric tube simply because they faily to identify the enzyme issues first. The only medicine she has is cholecalciferol which is a vitamin d supplement.

So whilst we try and deal with opinions on her fast food eating habit, our priorty is keeping her alive with as much food as possible and giving her the love and support she needs to get into adulthood.

Im sure most of us would kill for a metabolism like that and have no ill effects of cholesterol and high salt levels but sadly it comes at a high price where our daughter is concerned.
Well I think you are amazing. And staying 100%.... that's just something else....
YOu will have to tell us when the documentey is on so we can all watch it and are your beautiful girl...
I'm not around much today maybe tonight and tomorrow but we must catch up on Monday at some point.....:)

You look stunning in your before and afters!
rumbly: I'm fascinated by your daughter. I'm a teacher (teaching many kids on the spectrum) and I applaud you for raising a child with so many physical, emotional and social challenges!

She sounds gorgeous!
rumbly: I'm fascinated by your daughter. I'm a teacher (teaching many kids on the spectrum) and I applaud you for raising a child with so many physical, emotional and social challenges!

She sounds gorgeous!

Thanks! She is my life and my soul and I love her so much that I feel that its unhealthy. Her aspergers has not been fully diagnosed as were are still under CAMHs but whatever she has, it definitely is a form of autism. Little eye contact, obsessed with animals, still likes her soft toys, monotone, excellent at science, not so good in other subjects, no confidence....loves her mum to bits (I like the last one!)

Hugs x
it sounds like she is one lucky girl to have you for a mum :) You dont need to justify her diet hun , you are her mum and have coped with and understood her condition all her life , you are the best person to decide what and where she eats :)
it sounds like she is one lucky girl to have you for a mum :) You dont need to justify her diet hun , you are her mum and have coped with and understood her condition all her life , you are the best person to decide what and where she eats :)


Also to add, the fact (from my reading) that she might also have had some PTSD doesn't help, right? But children with one loving person (parent or carer) are miles ahead of many 'normal' children in that they can be secure in your love and caring.

I'm continually amazed at the seemingly endless well of love and patience parents of children with special needs have. One child we have at school, on the spectrum is in our early intervention class, which is across the corrider from me. She screams at least 80% of the time. Loud, painful to hear, agonised screams as if she's being stabbed or is in excrutiating pain. As much as I find it difficult to listen to, I know it's tougher for her classmates, teachers and parents.

I applaud you all!


Let's all get healthy/fit so we can give even more to our kids and the kids under our care!
i too dont think you need to justify your daughters eating habbits, and what routine you hvae. as long as the dietitions are happy, as long as the drs are not breathing down your neck then i dont see any problem.. i would love to be able to get away with eating at fast food places twice a week so i envy her!!
as long as you are happy, as long as your daughter is happy i cant see any problem with it... xxxxx

how is the assignment going? getting much done, or is x factor (which ive only just started watching so shhhh) getting in the way of being able to concentrate????
it sounds like she is one lucky girl to have you for a mum :) You dont need to justify her diet hun , you are her mum and have coped with and understood her condition all her life , you are the best person to decide what and where she eats :)

Thank you, I dont often hear that xx