Plodding on til its gone
Hi again Trying
Just called in to see how things went at the doctors today. Also noticed your other thread about Venlafaxine. I remember that the venlafaxine is considered to be one of the more stronger antidepressants in terms of ability to lift mood and have heard of many having a good result with it, but have no personal experience of it re weight.
Also just wanted to chip in about the Low carb that Katie mentioned. Katie is active in the Atkins forum as I am which is a low carb diet. Just wanted to say that normally eating more protein makes you full, as least it seems to with many of us doing low carb/ atkins. I have to say I am very rarely hungry on low carb and it isn't all just eating meat, you get to eat veg too, just lower carb veg. I eat more now than I used to. Maybe worth considering but all depends on how much you love your carbs like pasta etc as to if it would be for you. Take a look around the atkins forum if you want to know more about low carbing. Dukan is another low carb diet, but that is also low fat, but maybe worth looking at.
The main thing is sorting out what is going on for you though. So please let us know how you got on today at docs. Hope it went well.
Hi, just letting you know had the dreaded blood test at the hospital this morning. They really struggled to get a vein as they said I was so nervous my veins had shut down. After trying in both arms and even my hand which nearly made me jump out of my chair they finally called someone else in and managed to get some out of my left arm.
Was glad to get out of there and glad its over and done with.
As for low carbs, Im planning more red days this week as agree that too many carbs are not too good for me. May well try one of the plans you mentioned. Thanks for the advice
I eat wholemeal bread and only sometimes the odd white rollnow and then, also avoid white pasta and rice and have wholemeal pasta and brown rice, dont eat much rice but have pasta about once or twice a a week.
Good to hear the venlafaxine sounds like it works, going to start taking them at the weekend when not at work.
Thanks again and hope its all going ok for you, will let you know what the results are when get them x