Running & healthy eating - meandering my way to a healthy weight...


Full Member
No more trying to rush weight loss (I just end up falling off the wagon), no more counting (it drives me insane and I fall of the wagon), no more daily weighing (it makes me depressed and I fall off the wagon)...are you seeing a theme here???

I've finally got to a point where I'm happy with my exercise - I need to do more strength work but as I'm tapering for a marathon in 17 days, I'll have to wait until after.

But, I've still got 14-28 lbs to lose before I'm at my goal weight and I've stayed the same for months because I keep dieting, then bingeing. I reckon, if I can just stop bingeing, the weight would come off, slowly, but at least it would come off!

So today's day one. Here's how it went...

Breakfast: 2 eggs scrambled with 1/2 courgette, 1/2 red pepper, a little smoked salmon on one slice whole wheat toast
Lunch - salad Nicoise, 9bar
Snack - grapes, crudités, 30g cheese
Tea - homemade spaghetti bolognese with v small portion of pasta and loads of meat & veg sauce. 1/2 banana, handful almonds, 25g dark chocolate

Drinks: 3 coffees with splash of milk, 1.5 litres water.

Exercise: none - rest day

Water: at least 1.5 litres
Exercise: rest day

Slightly tempted to overindulge this evening but I know it's because I'm just getting back on track after a bad day yesterday.
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The book is the top one lol


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What do you teach? I teach secondary chemistry

I'm an English teacher. At a PRU but only just out of mainstream secondary. I was head of English but the job was too much; ridiculous amount of paperwork and bullshit. So I moved in sept, still as head of English but obviously this is much lighter on workload. Different challenges but I love it. So glad I made the move :) x
Running & healthy eating - meandering my way to a healthy weight...

I'm an English teacher. At a PRU but only just out of mainstream secondary. I was head of English but the job was too much; ridiculous amount of paperwork and bullshit. So I moved in sept, still as head of English but obviously this is much lighter on workload. Different challenges but I love it. So glad I made the move :) x

Aww really pleased it was the right move for you! Teaching is a hugely stressful job, and I know my move into teaching was why I stopped running for ages and gained 3 stone... Now im trying to recover a work life balance.
Aww really pleased it was the right move for you! Teaching is a hugely stressful job, and I know my move into teaching was why I stopped running for ages and gained 3 stone... Now im trying to recover a work life balance.

It's so hard!!! We have loads of snow here so definitely no running for me this weekend :(
Running & healthy eating - meandering my way to a healthy weight...

Fri 22nd March

A killer day at work, and doughnut day (free jam doughnuts) - but I resisted temptation!

B - 30g cheddar on way to work, followed by yoghurt with 1 tbsp granola, banana, a whole wheat muffin and coffee with a little skimmed milk.
L - not till 4pm! Chicken salad with a little Parmesan and 1 tbsp Caesar dressing
S - 1 and a half 9bars before run
T - chicken stirfry with lots of veg, wagamamas ginger and lemongrass sauce, palm sized portion of whole wheat noodles
S - treat! Iced cinnamon swirl yum!

Run: 10km in 55.48 - av pace 8.58, the first time I have averaged a pace under 9 min miles for any run, let alone a 6 miler....happy days!

So to improve I need to bring more fruit with me to work instead of relying on 9 bars...I'm a bit addicted!

I planned on doing a longer run last night but I might slip in a 10 miler today. It'll take my weekly mileage to 24 miles, down from last week but I'm beginning to taper so that's fine.
Ooh, no snow here (Dorset)! Have a good rest weekend!

I can't wait for it to warm up!!! Still doing lots of exercise this weekend but no runs :( I HATE treadmill running too but I'll have to get on and do some tomorrow!
Running & healthy eating - meandering my way to a healthy weight...

I can't wait for it to warm up!!! Still doing lots of exercise this weekend but no runs :( I HATE treadmill running too but I'll have to get on and do some tomorrow!

I hate treadmills too, even though I've got one! It's my security blanket - if all is going well I don't use it but as a single parent I can't always get someone to look after the kiddies when I run, so it's my back up. I get tired and bored much more quickly though - 40 mins is about my max
Running & healthy eating - meandering my way to a healthy weight...

A good day today, except for a nagging calf injury. My calf twinged a bit on yesterday's run, then gently nagged all through my run today, then properly ached after. I'm glad I've done the bulk of my marathon training and can afford to take it easy for a few days. In fact, my next run over an hour will be the marathon! Scary...

So food:

B - beans on toast, avocado
Pre run - small skinny latte, 9Bar
L - post run large skinny hot choc
T - Boston beans (with chopped tomatoes & carrots) with toast and an egg (out and was the healthiest option - didn't mean to have beans twice), green tea
S - porridge with fat free Greek yoghurt, raspberries and a tsp honey

I'm trying to bulk up my food a bit more on running days because I tend to be less hungry on running days, then starving the next day and end up eating junk.

Exercise: 10 mile run, av pace 9.36, 1200 cals burned.

I need to cut back on the dairy a bit - I do love my lattes and post run hot chocs, but 2 in one day is excessive, even if one is lunch...
Running & healthy eating - meandering my way to a healthy weight...

Morning! Feeling lazy today even though I have a stack of work to do...

B - 4 rashers bacon, mushrooms, tomatoes, avocado, 2 ryvita, green tea
L - out at costa: chicken fajita wrap and a skinny latte (not terribly healthy but could have been much worse - a compromise I can live with which is what I'm aiming for)
S - 3 ryvita, cottage cheese, smoked salmon, carrot sticks

Took the girls out for an Easter egg hunt - I know it's early but I just wanted to get out of the house, so we spent an hour exploring the park before I have to head back and do my work.

I've decided on my post marathon target - a sub 2 hr half marathon. That's about a 9 min mile pace. I did one a decade ago in 2 hrs 1 min but have never gone sub 2. I can run that pace for six miles (I did it on Mon for the first time) so it's achievable but still needs commitment. I'm reckoning on 2 weeks recovery then a 12 week training schedule, but that takes me to mid July, and there are no flat half marathons then. There's a dearth in August too, so I think I'll have to do a ten week schedule and pick one mid- end June. I'm quite excited by the prospect!
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