why not make some 0pp soup or salad for dinner?
Ruth, I am new here but jut wanted to say that i really enjoyed reading through your diary-don't know why some make better reading than others.
Also Jem3139 do you have a food diary?
Hiya Ruth, I really do hope your nan perks up a bit, I'm sure it's like your OH says and it is just the mental aspect playing on her mind. I'm sure seeing you will pick her up a bit.
I totally agree with you about how it's easy to voice your feelings on here. I suffer with depression and have been to various different councillors but found myself even withholding things from them. I'm going through some tough things at the mo with family etc and where I would've normally hit rock bottom before I honestly do find that a good moan on here helps me out, kind of like passing it off of me into virtual space.
But receiving non judgemental positive feedback and advice.
Aw Ruth that just nearly made me crythere is no other feeling like being desperately unhappy with what seems like no way out of it. But there is and i would give this guy a go. You can always say if he's not for you, you might be surprised though. I know my male one was better than my female.
The best of luck to you and every one is here for you, it's good to offloadMahoosive hugs darling.