Oopsy, here's day 10- friend ended up coming over last night so neglected my diary. Then read on for my Day 1 maintainence eeeeeeeeek! And final weigh!!
Day 10
Breakfast - golden syrup oat so simple with skimmed milk (171)
AM snack - banana (95)
Lunch - 3 slices WW brown bread, salad, cheese, spread, nectarine (432)
PM snack - low fat yoghurt (89)
Dinner - pork chop (fat cut off), cabbage, jacket potato (482)
Total - a great big 1269
Porridge was yummy and filling. Wasn't hungry when I had the banana but was a little bored and I've tried to follow the refeed as closely as possible. I REALLY enjoyed my cheese sandwich at lunch. A little too much. But saying that, now I know that 40g of cheese can make 1 1/2 perfectly nice sandwiches padded out with salad, I won't be using massive chunks as it's not needed.
I also really enjoyed dinner, the pork was lovely grilled with a little fry light sprayed on it. I didn't even used to eat pork really before.
Sooooooo, now it's officially day 1 of maintainence, which is a bit scary. I weighed myself this morning. I'm 10 stone dead on, so I've lost 6 lbs on refeed in 10 days. No idea how or why but I'm not complaining

I'm going to change my weigh day to Friday too so it's not mid week.
For breakfast this morning I had 'cold porridge' which I made last night. Sounds revolting but if you're a fan of porridge and Greek yoghurt I really recommend this, it's delicious, filling and very versatile. Very carb loaded but I have discovered this week that porridge keeps me full for ages so I will keep having it. I thought I'd be doing some sort of low carb plan but the carbs in porridge are nothing short of magic if they stop me picking before lunch time!
Here's how I did my cold porridge:
Cold porridge
You'll need a jar. I used a dorritos salsa jar (have a cupboard full of jars) which is quite wide but also short. A good size portion! You could also use jam jars or kilner jars, it helps to be able to get a spoon in though.
Put some porridge oats in the jar, about a third, although alter it depending on how thick you like it (I used Quaker original porridge oats, not sure if it'd work with quick oats)
Put a splosh of milk on top (skimmed of course

Then a few dollops of Greek yoghurt (I used Total 0% fat- lovely and creamy, thanks Ali)
I added a little honey, and a few raisins. Was going to add banana but I didn't leave enough space in the jar. Make sure you leave a gap at the top as you then put the lid on the jar and SHAKE! Leave it in the fridge overnight and by the morning you have a thick, oaty, yoghurty yummy breakfast.
Obviously you can have it any flavour you like. Yum!