Saltdog's Magic Shrinking Formula

Good Morning,

Thank you very much to piX and Patsy for your recipe suggestions. They're definitely all saved for a future occasion. Patsy, I used to stuff chicken breasts with all sorts of things even before I was on a diet. A very nice combination is mozarella and salsa wrapped in parma ham for a lovely bite. Mind you, I dread to think of the Syns there. Yours will no doubt be a lot healthier.

In the end I'm afraid I went in a totally different direction and got the recipe for Diet Coke Chicken from as I've seen so many people mention it on their threads here. I must say I was very impressed! Who would've thunk you could cook with diet coke?!? Really good though and really simple. I had it with boiled rice and roast root veg dusted with spices. Very tasty!! :D

Tonight it's a bit of risotto cos the wee fella is staying and it's a favourite of his. He's not the best of eaters so it's good to find something he likes which is SW friendly.

I managed to get about a third of my foundation dug for my wall last night and I'm feeling it today!! Really pleased at the progress though. I can't see me getting any done tonight though because there are gales forecast (again!!?!?!) and I want to spend quality time with my wee boy. Oh wait, he's got kick boxing tonight so it's definitely a no go on the digging. It'll be dark by the time we get done. He's hopefully going to be getting his 4th belt (orange) on Sunday so I'll be a very, very proud daddy! He's only 4.

Anyhoo, this isn't getting my work done so I'd best get back to it! I hope everyone has a lovely day.
Awwwww hope it goes well for your little man this weekend and he gets his orange belt :D
Thanks Em. He always tries his best and to be honest, the Sensei is quite lenient on the little ones. He calls them his 'Little Ninjas'! Lol. It really is good though and is a lot more about listening and working together than it is about punching and kicking. Great fun!
Good Morning,

Thank you very much to piX and Patsy for your recipe suggestions. They're definitely all saved for a future occasion. Patsy, I used to stuff chicken breasts with all sorts of things even before I was on a diet. A very nice combination is mozarella and salsa wrapped in parma ham for a lovely bite. Mind you, I dread to think of the Syns there. Yours will no doubt be a lot healthier.

In the end I'm afraid I went in a totally different direction and got the recipe for Diet Coke Chicken from as I've seen so many people mention it on their threads here. I must say I was very impressed! Who would've thunk you could cook with diet coke?!? Really good though and really simple. I had it with boiled rice and roast root veg dusted with spices. Very tasty!! :D

Tonight it's a bit of risotto cos the wee fella is staying and it's a favourite of his. He's not the best of eaters so it's good to find something he likes which is SW friendly.

I managed to get about a third of my foundation dug for my wall last night and I'm feeling it today!! Really pleased at the progress though. I can't see me getting any done tonight though because there are gales forecast (again!!?!?!) and I want to spend quality time with my wee boy. Oh wait, he's got kick boxing tonight so it's definitely a no go on the digging. It'll be dark by the time we get done. He's hopefully going to be getting his 4th belt (orange) on Sunday so I'll be a very, very proud daddy! He's only 4.

Anyhoo, this isn't getting my work done so I'd best get back to it! I hope everyone has a lovely day.

My OH and I are the biggest fans of diet coke chicken, its fab and we usually have it with SW roasties and loadsa veg at least once a week! Yummy! The recipes courtesy of the loevly ladies before all sounded delish though!

Good luck to your son with his kick boxing :) And hope you have a lovely time with him!

I'm always very nervous on the day before WI. Have I done enough to have a loss or have I slipped too much? I'm almost expecting not to do well because I had an STS last week and I think I should've had a loss. I figure it all has to catch up with me sometime. Still, I would love to have a 2lb loss tomorrow morning when I hit the scales (if I don't I might actually 'hit' the scales!!:D). That'll be my first stone off. I just feel like I've been planning for this stone for too long now. I originally tried to lose it for Valentine's day. Not quite a month ago but not far off. I know I need to stop losing my way so often. I slip off plan far too much. I know I'm still losing overall but I could be doing it so much quicker.

I'm going to a wedding next weekend so I want to lose 3lbs next week too. If I get the 2 I'm hoping for tomorrow that'll be plenty to make me feel more comfortable in my kilt. Saying that though, I don't want to lose too much because last time I was down around the 15 stone mark, I struggled to keep my kilt up!! I'll need to get the belts on it adjusted I think. Potential shock to the wedding party :eek:! Lol.

I got a very interesting e-mail yesterday from an offshore oil company who are looking for someone with my background to possibly go and work offshore. They asked if I would be interested. I immediately replied saying I would indeed be interested but I'm still waiting to hear back from them :confused:. It's quite an exciting opportunity and it's just the kind of thing I'm looking for. The main thing is that I think it's for 2 week trips followed by 3 weeks off. That'll increase the quality of time I get to spend with my son no end. Even though I get him 6 nights out of 14, I spend a lot of the days working. This way I'll get to spend whole days with him on my 3 weeks off. I'm very excited and very nervous in equal measure. I just wish they'd reply!!!!
good luck with hearing about the job..sounds just the challenge you're after and added bonus of all that extra time with your little ninja ... good luck for WI too - we can compare tomorrow ! x
Drum roll please...............................

The results are now in. I've lost 2lbs this morning at WI!!!! I've reached my first stone!!!!! About time too!! Still, slow and steady is the way to go I suppose. It's a total nightmare for an impatient person like me but I know it's the healthiest way to lose the weight.

Thanks for the article arctic! It makes sense and just confirms what I guess we all really know deep down. I know it would be nice to lose half a stone a week like we see in programmes like The Biggest Loser and Obese - A Year to Save My Life but it's not a realistic scenario. Speaking of the Obese programme, I watched the first episode of the American version from my Sky+ box last night. The woman lost over 200lbs in a year!! It was insane! I've taken it off sereis link though as I don't really like it compared to the UK one.

Thanks for the encouragement as ever piX. Hope you do well for your WI today too.
Well done and snap! I got 2 this week as well.

I think slow and steady is the way ahead, I know it is very frustrating not to have big losses each week, but I'm looking at the fact that if I can get rid of only 1lb a week then by my birthday (Sept) it'll be another 2st gone. That should put me about where I want to be? Might change my mind by then though?

yey!! so pleased for you...all that patio digging is paying off :p

looks like we'll aim for hitting the stone and a half at the same sort of time too...hoping to beat you though as I've a head start, but i'm losing very slowly at the mo!

big's to the next milestone xx
Well done and snap! I got 2 this week as well.

I think slow and steady is the way ahead, I know it is very frustrating not to have big losses each week, but I'm looking at the fact that if I can get rid of only 1lb a week then by my birthday (Sept) it'll be another 2st gone. That should put me about where I want to be? Might change my mind by then though?
Cheers mate. I totally agree with you. I'm going to aim about half a stone a month. Realistically, my original goal is now unattainable unless I lose a stone a month. Although I think that is possible if I really set my mind to it I'm aiming more for a lifestyle change which becomes the norm rather than a full-on strict diet with intense exercise regime. My problem in the past was never being able to maintian but the longer I stay on SW, the more normal it becomes. This also has the effect of being very defeatest every time I approach the scales because I feel like I haven't been trying hard enough. That's really what I need.

yey!! so pleased for you...all that patio digging is paying off :p

looks like we'll aim for hitting the stone and a half at the same sort of time too...hoping to beat you though as I've a head start, but i'm losing very slowly at the mo!

big's to the next milestone xx
Thanks piX. I'd orignally set my goal of 1.5 stone for my birthday on 2nd April but I changed it today since it isn't a weigh in day. That'll give me 4 extra days to succeed. Half a stone in 4 weeks? It's doable. Bring it on!!! X
Right, I've changed my ultimate goal to 3rd August. That's working on half a stone a month roughly so I think it's workable and I'm going to do my damndest to meet that goal!!
very doo-able so lets get doing!! hehehe x
how did kickboxing go for your little guy yesterday?

hope you had a nice weekend xx
Hiya Em,

Thanks for the message. Unfortunately, the grading at kickboxing was postponed until next weekend. I'm away at a wedding this weekend too so my ex wife will be taking him. :( I'll be calling her to find out out how he got on though. I'll still get to take him to his next class tomorrow though.

I've had a busy weekend being a daddy first and foremost but also having a sideline in landscape gardening. Digging is a lovely type of therapy once you get in to a rhythm. It's bound to keep helping weight loss too. Plus there's a certain satisfaction to seeing things coming together. I've never really been in to gardening much but I think once I've effectively created the new garden I'm going to be in it all the time! I'm trying to deny the fact that me ever-increasing age has anything to do with it. I'll be a young gardener. I'm still not going to start reading Alan Titchmarsh books!!

My GF hasn't been getting on very well with SW and has decided it really isn't for her. I think she wants something more structured and regimented where I like the freedom of piling free foods on the plate and feeling completely satisfied. So, she's decided to join Scottish Slimmers on Thursday. She thinks it'll be far better for her in that she can eat literally, what she wants as long as she counts the points/checks (whatever they use in SS). I did point out that she could do the same with her Syns but she doesn't think it suits her needs as much. I'm sure we'll find some way to make the two diets work together for dinners though. We pretty much do our own thing for breakfast and lunch anyway. I'm just trying really hard to be supportive for her in what she decides to do. Even though I'm not losing loads and loads, I'm finding SW easy to follow. It suits me but then I guess everyone's different. If SW was the perfect diet there wouldn't be any others out there. She is determined to lose weight though so I hope she finds what she needs. The benefit of Scottish Slimmers is that there is a local group. Neither SW or WW has a group here. They also have a forum on their own website. Although Minis is great but I really think SW are missing a trick with their own website. I'm contemplating cancelling my subscription because I feel I'm getting more information for free on here than I can get from their own site. What's the point in paying for it? I have the books and I understand the process. It's not like I have a local group anyway. That's my thoughts anyway. I'd be interested to hear if anyone reading this can think of a good reason to keep paying for SW Online?


I can't advise you on keeping sw as I do mine from this forum, we've got turkey, then a long weekend at my fiance's parent's caravan, then 3 nights in London, then our wedding next year and hopefully another holiday :eek: so it's just not feasible for me to pay for the membership at the moment.

It really sounds like your garden is coming together. Do we get to see pictures once it's all done?

So sorry the kickboxing was postponed :( hope you get to take him for his next belt