ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

Hello tano :) xxx


Tonights dinner yum! Left one of my potatoes and some of the sauce but was nnice xx
What was on top of your salad today? Xx
Lol it looked lovely xx
why thank u!

jus sat here watchin this bloody football whats all this about lol! bloody joke was worrying they were guna put it on tomorrow so i wud miss me emmerdale 40th live ep but no i still get t watch that hehehe yyiiiippppeeee :) sad i no
its not we have our derby on sat im dreading that i wanted to go shopping but ill not!! iv just got in and sorted just about! i hate long days at work. :cry:

im just trying to plan my day for tomorrow now im not having pizza its a loooong day for me im at college so im hoping tea will be on the table! im sick of pasta now i need new ideas. i got that new hairy dieters book the other day think ill spy thru that xxx
morning campers... another horrible day outside :(

lucas is FULL of cold from his weekend away at the caravan and has a nasty cough so i have one grumpy and clingy lil boy on my hands today! Everyday since his ben home i have been doing finger paintings and working on his work books :) he had fun doing the finger painting monday and i tried to get him to write L's for Lucas and he did some so that was a good effort n start, yesterday we got onto his work book and he drew some circles i helpped him do one and then he did four (round the dotted line) by him self which we were both so happy with. we arent going to do any today he is jus not in the right mood with him bein a bit under the weather! i jus wanna cuddle all day lol!

i am not feelin 100% though feelin a bit sicky :sign0137:! i think its worst feelin like this i jus wanna b sick if i feel like it!! i felt fine this morning had breakfast and started potting about n now feel like this!
So its Thursday tomorrow already the weeks are going faster! So its weigh in day AGAIN tomorrow! i am not expecting a big loss this week with eating out friday twice saturdsay and a chinese sunday night not forgettin all the wine i consumed saturday night! So i will b suprised with a loss if i am honest! i pointed everything and gone for the 'healthier options' i believe anyway when eating out! i will be happy if i get a STS i will jus be a lil annoyed (at myself) if i have put on! so a STS or fingers crossed for a lil loss wud be nice! I am planning on not drinking or eating out now until Novemeber 24th when we are going to an italian for a friends birthday! i dnt need to drink all the time and will save some money anycase!
My mums birthday is the 17th November so IF we end up going out for that i will suggest somewhere to eat lol!
On the 30th November its Lucas's 3rd birthday :D! we are going to Pizza hut that day with my family and then there will b birthday cake that my mum is making! then on the saturday we are going to Castleford Xscape as the kids play area there is great so we are meeting some friends with there lil girl and then we are eating there i dare say at frankie n bennys then there will b another cake (a shop brought one) there THEN on the sunday i think we may suggest having a lil family party at carls parents for his side of the family so i am a lil worried about that weekend lol!!

anyway enough of me going on and on.....

Todays food
2 Crumpets 5pp
Butter 2pp
WW morning oaty bar 2pp

WW Tomato Soup 2pp
2 WW bread 3pp
butter 1pp
2 ham 2pp
Strawberry yoghurt 3pp
WW caermel slice 3pp

Pork loin 120g 5pp
potato bake 6pp
salad ( lettuce, cucumber, pepper(red or yellow) red onion) 0pp

WW Apple crumble 5pp ( guna have this while watching tonights emmerdale eeekkkk i love my soaps so the fact its live even better :)..)

After alll this lot i still have 4pp remanding.. so if i use them i will update later
Awww you poorly people.... Hope you're both feeling better soon...

I can't believe WI has come around so quickly, again! x
ten weeks yesterday and its christmas :xmastree:!!

jus sorted through all the presents upstairs! Lucas is havin a very toy story birthday and then by the looks of it xmas is done...maybe one or 2 last minute things to get wanna get lucas and mia (our best friends lil girl) a christmas mr men n lil miss book n sweets! even started my parents jus got carls parents to start! me and carl arent doin xmas with saving for the wedding but i am guna get him some LUFC gold balls jus a lil something from lucas!
Sayin that though its carls birthday 4 days after xmas so will try get a few bits now i think!

mmmmmm right guna go do me ironing lol xxxxx
I get confused with weighing jacket potatos I made one the other friday 200g and jus pointed it 5pp but that's wrong isn't it? I was lookin on esource 8pp for 1 jacket pot...
SammieAnn87 said:
I get confused with weighing jacket potatos I made one the other friday 200g and jus pointed it 5pp but that's wrong isn't it? I was lookin on esource 8pp for 1 jacket pot...

Weigh it raw and it's 1pp per 50g x
If I bake a potato properly I always use the the baked potato pp if i just micro it I weigh it raw and use those pp lol

Sorry you have been feeling so yucky sammie! <3
SammieAnn87 said:
i put mine im the microwave and then in the oven t crisp up so i sud use the 1pp per 50g rulexx

That's what I do! I lurveeee jacket potato, beans and cheese but it uses up too many of my points! To think I used to have a huge one on SW with a full tin of beans.... I must have been massively over eating as I would have had two other meals too? On ww that would use the majority of my dailies x
yeh coz i have so many points i can still have one but might have it friday/saturday or sunday as a bit of a weekend treat so i will prob have jacket pot butter n some cheese yum be a nice weekend treat i think as not doing much lol xx
I'm not keen on frozen potato products, but the mccain mirco jacket are really nice and I think they are only 5pp and are the best of both worlds.

personally when I micro jackets ( i always pop them, in a hot oven for a few mins to crisp up) I just count the raw weight.
Hi hun

I've added the wedding table pics to my diary so have a look... If you want the tea light holders, they are yours

I just used the sample pics from the wedding photographer otherwise I would have to go in the loft!

Won't be offended if you don't want them, just thought I'd ask x