ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

Your wedding pics look amazing!!!!! How stunning xxx I love the frozen pots purely because they are 5pp so I can enjoy without the worry xx
Yeh becky looks stunning doesn't she!
I can't wait for my day!so its weigh in day eeekkkkk
Jus for baxk from takin lucas t school he loved it this week loads of board games for him t play with xx
Yeh becky looks stunning doesn't she!
I can't wait for my day!so its weigh in day eeekkkkk
Jus for baxk from takin lucas t school he loved it this week loads of board games for him t play with xx

Your big day will be here before you know it!!

Only another 5 hours and 45 mins to wait before we hop on! x
You will have the most fantastic day!!!! Xx and look stunning!!! I love weddings (mad as mine was spur of the moment when away) but love going to a good wedding xx it must take lots of organising!!! Xxx good luck for tonight xx
im a right stress head so trying not t really think of it until after christmas lol!

i no becky now there is only 2hours and 45 minutes aarrgghhhhhh!
food today...

bad i no but dint manage to have breakfast it was such a rush this morning trying to get lucas ready for school (but well worth it as this week he had a briliiant time)

WW Soup 1pp
2 x ww bread 3pp
peanut butter 3pp
Apple Crumble (needed eating) 5pp

WW mini victoria sponge 3pp

dnt no what t have for dinner will defo be SW chips and something i still have 28 points to use so might make my self some cheesy chips yum

will update after weigh in!!
I love your little justification for the apple crumble!! Not that you needed to justify it!

Good luck for tonight... Let us know ASAP! Oh and, don't forget your sweets tonight ;-) x
Good luck for wi hunny xxx
Good luck sammie :D
that's fab hun :) oh dear :(
SammieAnn87 said:
Lost 2lb wooohooooo
Forgot t buy me ww sweets again though :( lol xx

Well done honey! I bought some ones I've not seen before... Fruit pastels, they are in box like the others x
Well done on your loss that's fantastic xxx
thank u ladies :D
oo did u becky i jus forget with lucas there he fell asleep in class today everyone made a right fuss of him lol!
jus been on esource i have 42 points now not 43 going down slowly :D
thank u ladies :D
oo did u becky i jus forget with lucas there he fell asleep in class today everyone made a right fuss of him lol!
jus been on esource i have 42 points now not 43 going down slowly :D

thats gotta fell good them points coming down?!?! well done so happy for you x
Yeh it does they're coming down slowly :) x
Yum.. 8pp
morning ladies.. still really pleased with my 2lb loss last night :D! for some reason i jus wasnt expecting it!
I am so happy my points have gone down as well i no its only gone down by 1point but hey 1point is one point!
So food today will look something like this....
2xPoached Eggs 4pp
Spaghetti 3pp
apple 0pp

i fancy some potatoe salad SO guna boil some new pots and let them cool and mix some mayo n mayo some spices in with it yum
Potatoes 4pp
Mayo 2pp
2xHam 2pp
1xBoiled Egg 2pp
Salad 0pp ( lettuce, cucumber, peppers, onion)

WW crisps 2pp
Strawberry yoghurt 3pp

Chicken stuffed with philly wrapped in ham YUM :drool:
Chicken 120g 4pp
2x ham 2pp
40g Garlic n Herb philly 2pp
40g Pasta 4pp
Roasted Veg (babycorn, green beans, carrots, peppers and onion) 0pp

Raspberry WW cheesecake 5pp

So thats 39/42 points so i will try and use them 3points somewhere
still have all 49 weeklies xxx