morning ladies
i havent written for a few days, but what a few days we ave had! We noticed on sunday lucas was starting with a really bad cough so we started givin him some med but he wasnt keeping any food down! Monday morning we went to school and his teacher said we sud get his cough looked at it was more of a bark than a cough.
So we got in straight at the doctors and she said lucas has a bad throat and chest infection and his cough sounds as though it could be whoppin cough(he has had all his injections!) so she give us some antibitoics and sent us away. well lucas wouldnt take this medicine and when he took it he would b sick straight after and he wasnt keepin any food down. by six oclock monday night his temp was SO high and he was jus gettin so worked up. We rung nhs direct who said normally we wud tell u 2 take him straight 2 hospital but coz it cud b whoppin cough we cnt put him at risk from catchin another infection or him passin this on to pregnant women or the shes like we will make u an out of hours appointment it was all so quuick. the doctor as lovely and changed his medicine and said his t stay house bound for a few days but he doesnt think it is whopppin cough(thank god!) so got home about half 8 monday night and lucas slept for about 2 hours thats it

poor lil thing.
tuesday morning he refused his antibiotics again so i mixed it into his juice his not stupid though he knew what i had done but he eventally drunk it and he did so again last night and this morning so least his takin it jus gotta put it with his juice! HE ate little bit yesterday but not loads but he had loads of ice pops which wud of done his throat good!
i am now full of cold sore throat bad cough n i feel like death! i said to carl i am jus sick of feelin sick!!
this morning lucas has had some coco pops and seems more himself he hasn got a temp which is great his still got his horrible cough but we will take all his antibiotics and when thats all gone if his still got his cough we will go back to the doctors! i got really upset monday coz i jus dnt waNT lucas bein poorly for his birthday NEXT friday! but we have time to get him better!
it goes without sayin my food has been terrible and this week is a complete write off! monday night gettin in carls like i'll go get us some food n he come home with a nandos to cheer me up lol!
yesterday i was good and pointed and today i will do the same. i am not off to group thursaday. carls on nights and i have no one to watch lucas and i am not draggin him to group with me this week not a chance i want him in this house until the weekend at the earlist!
we are going to cancel i think going out saturday night! when lucas is waking up at night his shouting for me so i dnt want him stayin out and im not there to go to him! im not well and to b honest we cud do with saving the pennies as well!
carl on nights this week which is good means i can watch im a celeb tonight without him moanin! (i hated david haye before he want in there and now i think his lovely(not to mention his body bein AMAZIN!WOW!) lol)
so food for today
i woke up SO early so about five i had porridge with milk and chopped banana 6pp
then jus had 2 toast with 25g pate which was another 6pp
WW Soup 1pp
Egg salad sanwich
2 bread 4pp
1 egg 2pp
butter 1pp
lettuce, cucumber and onion 0pp
NUME crisps 3pp (love these point more than ww crisps but there are so much more in the bag)
fancy potato bake
200g pots 4pp
50g philly 2pp
100ml chicken stock 1pp
birdseye chargrilled chicken 4pp
veg 0pp
chocoate bar..maybe a daim bar for 4pp or a crunchie for 5pp
so thats say 39/41