hiya ladies...
OMG yesterday was awful, i was so poorly! i rung my doctor and he said the tablets his given me were not working and the side effects were sickness and diarrhoea! So he wrote me another perscriptstion so lucky Carls mum went n got it for me and took lucas for the afternoon so i was able to sleep! and since takin the first tablet i feel FINE!
So i am still taking the tablets until monday but i am happy to say at the minute i am doing really well
Its my mums birthday today

thats why i am only jus writing! spent the morning with her lucas n my brother as my step dad and carl were workin!!
She got some lovely stuff shes a lucky girl!
so today is first day back on the food and i am so hungry but bein careful in what i eat!!
i woke up at 5 i was SO hungry..
so at 5am i have Slive of toast 2pp a tiny bit of butter 1pp
2slices toast 4pp
butter 2pp
Banana 0pp
NUME Chilli and Wedges bowl 8pp
Peppers, onions and garlic 0pp
Rocky 4pp
At my mums i had a freezing cold capri sun 2pp (it was yummy reiving my youth with them haha!)
so 23/41 dailies used
0/49 weeklys
NOW we are at mums tonight havin a take away i cnt wait i cnt wait to eat food!!! now there all havin an indian and i dnt now what t have? i can order from another one if i want 2?
i was thinkin chicken tikka on naan bread with salad but im tihnkin that will b quite high?
any suggestions very welcome
Tomorrow we are back decorating!! we will get this finished other than this nothing much happenin this weekend! We are out nxt saturday night bowlin then back at a friends house 2 watch the hatton fight (lookin forward t some wine!)