ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

morning ladies

fifth time lucky minimins keeps freezin on me today!!!

todays food

porridge milk and banana 6pp
banana 0pp
apple and grapes 0pp

Corn beef 3pp
2 boiled eggs 4pp
salad (lettuce cucumber pepper onion)
mayo 1pp

NUME crisps 3pp
freddo 3pp

Dolmio sun dried tom sauce 3pp
50g pasta 5pp
chicken 4pp
onions, garlic, peppers 0pp
sweetcorn 30g 1pp

bombay mix 6pp

39/41 points still got 2 left to play with
i vote swap the mayo for salad cream and then drench your salad in it :) hehe!

Food looks great sammie! i really need to go shopping as everything is empty and your food is making me hungry! lol
i vote swap the mayo for salad cream and then drench your salad in it :) hehe!

Food looks great sammie! i really need to go shopping as everything is empty and your food is making me hungry! lol

I no this may upset u coz ur are a 100percent salad cream lover as I am bombay mix but I dnt really like Salad cream :( I think it ant got a thing on Mayo lol!
aww sammie, its just not good enough not liking salad cream! ;)

if I had to live my life without salad cream or mayo the salad cream would have to go! lol i love mayo more <3

full fat salad cream is slightly lighter on points than full fat mayo lol!
I wud have Mayo with everything, I love mayo with sausage mash veg and gravy YUM! I love it with curry pizza chips rice pasta crisps on sandwichs lol u name it I love it!!

Oooo cheers becky..

My lunch changed cornbeef 3pp
2eggs 4pp
MAYO 1pp
1rye bread 1pp
Salad 0pp
Then a crunchie 5pp and 1 celebration 1pp

Dinner and of cors BOMBAY MIX xxx
My lunch also I took a picture this morning I think I have a waist...still big arse tummy and legs but a wasit I can see comin
pics looks amazing hun! you deffo have a waist :D
SammieAnn87 said:
Ooo am. I that's brilliant I never knew what shape I was!
<img src=""/>dinner was gawjus, dint really fancy it bbut really enjoyed it xx

what was dinner? xxx

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Yep that's def a waist! It's the best shape to have in my opinion!!! I have no idea what shape I am! I am so tall and fat in proportion I think I am a rectangle! But it looks odd a fat rectangle x