Hey SammieAnn,
Thanks so much for your reply hun! Yep eeek so exciting wedding plans etc! Hows yours coming on? We're trying to do it all on a budget!
Well done for your loss this week tooReading the food diaries on WW it seems so much nicer than SnS!!!
Before I started sns I did closer diets (tesco diets) and lost 3 st but over the yr put 2 back onso i started sns this october - have lost some weight but just finding it impossible to do over xmas and so back on closer diets until jan then back on sns for a month at least solid. It's such an unsociable diet though! It kind of got me down!
Looking at your sig uve had some fab losses with WW - if I was as successful as u id be super happy!!xxxxxx
Ok so I lost 3lb eeekkkk yyiiippppeeeeexx
Sorry to intrude - hope it's ok but I've sort of been reading up on your diaries (like a scary stalker). I'm on S and S altho I have actually just switched back to normal dieting for Xmas
I just wanted to say that everyone on here is lovely but you 3 - SammieAnn, Becky and SarahLou - are so lovely and supportive of each other - you seem like real friends! When reading through each of your diaries I've been rooting for each of you all the way!!!! (Sorry if I've been a bit of s stalker
) Anyway just wanted to say hi....xxxxx
Hey hunni, I bet you haven't got as far to go as meyou look lovely in your photo! Good for you for starting before xmas - this time of yr is SO tough! I've done ok on sns but tbh (and I'm not slating the diet at all here cos I am a real believer in different diets being best for different people) but I don't think I've lost anymore than I could on closer/WW (I think they're pretty similar
SnS is fine - for me, personally, only short term though - If I don'thave some sociableness I get miserable!!! (Probs why I've not lost tons cos I've been allowing myself more freedom at weekends!)
Aw is your little boy gonna have a role in your wedding? Whats ur dress like?I want to lose more weight before I get mine but my brothers gf has got me my bridesmaid dress already so im kinda panicky about that!!
Go u for having everything sorted - we're both FAR too laid back about the whole thing. Probably be a bit last minute!! We've booked the church and having the reception at the boyfs parents house with marquees etc so not too much organising there!
Well done sammy great loss!!!!x hope Lucus starting to feel better x at least he will be well for Christmas the poor dab x
BeckyT said:Oh bless you!!!! That's so lovely of you to say!
I do actually know Sammie but I've yet to meet Sarah however i do feel like she's a 'real' friend and not just a minimins friend. I often think that it's a shame that she lives 400+ miles away x
SammieAnn87 said:yeh ur right i feel like im being a ***** to carl now and i dnt wanna b but my heads so far up my arse i cnt stop it!!!!
guna go have a shower that might chill me out a bit!
Awww like becky said thats a really lovey thing to say!
Becky and sammie are lovely women and sometimes its annoys me i live so far apart because it would be really good to know them in "real life" and they are so supportive and kind i couldnt ask for a better support network.
Most pepple on here are lovely but not everyone continues with their weight loss plan so people tend to drift back and forth but me becky and sammie sorta hit it off straight away! There are so many lovely supportive ladies like shar, the other sarah lou, jaly (libby), atomic pink, dominoes, and many others that it feels like my own little diet family and they are all there with supportive comments and an understanding ear.
They really help me more than i could of ever asked for <3