Morning everyone
Happy New Year
Sorry i have been awol for a few days, been manic!
Friday we was in A&E with Lucas he fell out of bed and he couldnt put any weight on his leg and when he did he was limpin! So we went to the hospital they were amazing we got seen so fast! Lucas had an XRAY all on his own i stood n watched him be soooo brave and grown up ( i was so proud!).
He hasnt broke it or anything so that was brilliant news he loved the hospital he got 3 presents from the doctors n nurses!! lucky boy!!!!
Friday night we went out for dinner n then it was Carls birthday party which was good, Saturday was carls birthday n we went out with carls family to a chinese buffet! then sunday we went out for an indian! then Monday we had a mcdonalds and then we spent new years at a firends house with the kids n we order pizza's and garlic breads ect so had them for dinner THEN yestrday

i had a mcdonalds wrap for breakfast then went to meadow hall n had a jacket pot t about 2ish then we had a ****** with my fam last night which afterwards left me feelin fat n sluggish n jus plain yukky!!
So i havent been back on the diet this week

I have prepared myself for thursday i am going to go and face the scales even though it wouldnt suprise me if the 20 pounds i have lost would ALL b put straight back on! with all the stuff i have been eating and drinkin it would be my fault if this was the case!!
So today is a new year new day new start

i cant make the numbers on the scales any better this week BUT i no that i can start makin a difference for next week!
Its true what Sally (my friend i go to ww with) said to me.. if i hadnt of started WW in september i would be going thursday prob 2 stone heavier than what i started at. SO if i have put ALL my weight back on thats the wya i need to look at it i have already startedmy weight loss journey and this is jus a rather big bump i need to get over!! i do believe that even if i have put it all back on i WILL lose it again!
Me and Carl arent gettin any take aways this year (money has a factor in this as well as me n WW), so this year is the year everything is going to change
I have 36 Weigh Ins now until the day before i get married!!!!!!! So tomorrow is going to be a gain then i have 35 Weigh Ins to try and lose every week!!
Im so nervous for tomorrow because i dnt want my leader to think u fat greedy ***** lol but what will b will b i suppose! I no i have put more weight on than Sally i have been a total pig! i can feel i have put weight on so im prepared!
Right going to have a look at all the diaries now