ProPoints SammieAnn's WW Food Diary - Count down to Wedding!!!

Yeh I'm reallly looking forward to starting again on the 27th I have in my head that the 27th is my start date ect, and if I want a mince pie I will have one and point it :)
I dnt think I am going to drink on NYE, I am going to have a few drinks on carls birthday but we are off t a friends and the kids are sleepin over so they're guna b up early and I dnt wanna b hung over t want a take away on new years day!!

Yeh I am really excited for next year! Xxx
Sammie lovely bit of news to make you smile this Friday!!!! The Mayan calendar stops Friday, hence end of world etc etc !!! But back then they did not have leap years. So really it should have been the end of the world 7 weeks ago!!!!!
So glad as I get paid Friday!!! And I want to spend spend xxx
Haha thanks sharon!! This made me giggle thanks hun! That's good news though :) I read on twitter as well that the mayan calendar ends on the 21st but they're new year day is the 22nd?!! But I like the sound of the leap year thing! Emma put on a link last night which I read and this too put me at ease, I think Nasa wud no if something was guna happen!!
Haha I could do with it not as well if I'm honest were off t Asda to do our christmas shop at 6 tomorrow morning so dnt wanna spend ALL that money for the world t bloody end ha!

Ur a star xxx
Had a terrible afternoon Carl has lost his wallet, yeh it sucks he has lost his wallet bank card, credit card drivin licence ect... But every year carl gets 30pound on an asda card from work and we put money on another asda card throught the year and that's gone so our christmas shoppin moneys gone :(. Our parents are guna help us I think! I feel so sorry for carl!!

Again today I have eaten SH*T!I ant been able to go to WI tonight, I no I would of had a gain but I dnt no how much of.. So I am going to try my hardest to be good tomorrow untill christmas day point and what not. Then on thursday 27th I have a sort of head start, but I do still think on the 3rd it will be a gain but hopefully not as big of as if I carry on eating the way I am doing now! I actually cannot wait to start dieting again I can tell I have gained weight! I'm not going to let it ruin my christmas but I am going to b as good as I can!!
I jus don't wanna see a MASSIVE gain on them scales on the 3rd and by bein good ish jus a lil gain will make me feel better!!

I'm going to watch eastenders now and find out who kats been doing the dirty with I think jack it better not b max coz I really love him and tanya!!!
Oh no poor Carl must feel rotten!!!! Losing money is gutting, but when it's for something essential its twice as upsetting xxx glad your family can help sammy. You will have a fantastic Christmas. Chin up dear x and just focus on the 27th xx
I cannot believe it was him urgh dirty kat lol xx
It's Friday Sammie!!!!!

I am so sorry about Carl's wallet, he must feel awful. Neither of you deserve that to happen after you have worked so hard for it. Sending you a massive hug xxx
Hi sammie hope all ok sorry to hear about ur other half wallet!just what u need this time of year.u will have a fab Xmas tho don't worry and the world will keep spinning :) xxx
Hi ladies yes we world hasn't ended who would of thought hey lol!! All that worry for nothing at all ha!

I no dirty Kat I hate derek as well n love alfie!!

Thanks for all ur kind words, we managed to go to asda omg is was so busy!!!

I dint get lots of naughty stuff either which I thought I wud lol! The stuff I have eaten over last week though my body prob couldn't take it eeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!

Me and lucas are sat watchin Santa Clause the movie he loves It his hettin so excited I am as well if I'm honest his excitment is makin me excited!!
As much as I want diet month to come I cnt wait for him t have a magical day isn't Santa a wonderful thing!!

morning everyone

what a bloody horrible morning!! were not doin ANYTHING this weekend! i dnt even want t imagine what leeds/white rose r any of th esupermarkets are like!

yesterday we went t asda at 11 and was quein up the aisles! we were up the wine aisle...lucas had a smashin time:eek: o well must happen all the itme haha!

i normally get cream and al sorts and dint this year which i am happy about more money for wine :D

saying that ^^^^^^^^^^ i did get some mince pies and a christmas pudding!! carl got a chocolate log i dnt like them so least i will b staying away from that :)

i normally make my own pigs in blankets but (coz of the wallet accient and was on a smaller budget) it worked out cheaper to buy ready made ones :( suppose its less prep for me to do christmas eve isnt it!!

anyway 3 more sleeps ladies :) :xmascheers:

Sounding like a perfect run up to Christmas hunny xxxx and I always cheat and buy ready made stuff!!!!! It never even entered my head to do pigs in blankets from scratch!!!! Our Xmas bill dramatically reduced!!! No wine for Me xxx
Sounding like a perfect run up to Christmas hunny xxxx and I always cheat and buy ready made stuff!!!!! It never even entered my head to do pigs in blankets from scratch!!!! Our Xmas bill dramatically reduced!!! No wine for Me xxx

Lol next year jus make up for it ;).

Well my mums a cook(or was) so she always made that from fresh as well as stuff like fancy stuffing and bits lol!
So I have for the last few years but yeh decided to buy them this year :)

Kirklees-20121222-00139.jpgok so I no this is guna b about 100 points but I was to young when they were first around so carls brought me n him one for christmas :) xx
morning everyone

what a bloody horrible morning!! were not doin ANYTHING this weekend! i dnt even want t imagine what leeds/white rose r any of th esupermarkets are like!

yesterday we went t asda at 11 and was quein up the aisles! we were up the wine aisle...lucas had a smashin time:eek: o well must happen all the itme haha!

i normally get cream and al sorts and dint this year which i am happy about more money for wine :D


Opps! Did he knock a bottle of wine on the floor?! Bless him!!!

It's amazing how mad people go with crimbo food shopping isn't it! The supermarket is only closed for 1 day too! I guess it all helps to keep the economy going! x