morning ladies,
well the teacher said that lucas was good yesterday so had a lil chat and said smacking is naughty. All was ok then dropped him off today went n said bye and a lil boy smacked lucas really hard on his back!!!! his mum had ago but when i go pick him up i need to have a lil private word with the teacher! yesterday lucas is bein called horrible and hit today i feel so so sad coz i jus dnt want him bein the only one in trouble if his only stickin up for himself! i feel so sad that i am giving him this massive speech and then i watch that happen! i jus wanna ask the teachers to keep an eye out if they see him get hit first then stop the whole thing straight away so then his not caught up in hitting!
its hard u always imagine ur lil boy/girl is going to have lots of friends but when stuff like this happens it tears me apart im a big softie anyway but this has got to me i need to chill out before going to school otherwiase i will shout or cry!!! Sorry to keep going on about this! hope i get it sorted
yesterdays food
crumpet x 2 5pp
peanut butter 3pp
banana 0pp
grapes 0pp
jacket pot 4pp
tuna 3pp
butter 1pp
sweetcorn 15g 1pp
mayo 2pp
salad 0pp
cheese 2pp
fruit 0pp
chicken 4pp
rice 8pp
ww garlice bread 5pp
oil 1pp
muesli 6pp
milk 1pp
banana 0pp
dipdab 2pp
ww crackers 2pp
pate 4pp
egg x 2 4pp
salad 0pp
ww bar 2pp
i think for dinner will have fish n chips

i cnt remember how many propoints the fish is 7 i think then some sw chips lovely will update later!!
spoken to my www leader and i think i am going to help out at meetings but will speak to her tomorrow