Thanks all
I didnt mention in my first post but the sole reason for me starting the Tony Ferguson diet back in May was I was meant to be getting Married in 2011... that all went tits up (putting it mildly lol) and my ex's parting words to me were "if you leave me, your never find anyone else to take you looking as fat and ugly as you do" and that was after he had been insulting my looks and the type of person I am for ages, I flipped him the finger and drove off, but his words absolutely destroyed my confidence... then just before I started Exante I had been on a date with a bloke and over heard his friends making fun of him for being out with a "fatty", never heard from him again after that so the tiny bit of confidence I had got back after my ex was shattered along with any else I had lurking away.
So here I am, having lost over 50lbs and with less self worth and confidence then I had when I started this diet!
I had a bloke I knew from years and years ago, add me on facebook and ask to meet up for a drink, he made it pretty obvious he had liked me for years and was interested in me, more then just as mates... I agreed to see him, then realized last time he saw me I was 9 stone! Chickened out and cancelled, havent heard from him since, so think he is a bit annoyed I cancelled but then I havent really been contacting him because im trying to buy more time... I keep telling myself "lose another stone and I'll see him" pathetic huh!
And now another blast from the past has contacted me... now this bloke... is a freaking Adonis!.... Its kinda a long story but I met him through my ex... they worked together (both in the Army but then went to different regiments so arent in contact anymore and werent really friends, just worked together) he heard through others that me and my ex had split and heard how badly it ended, so contacted me to say how sorry he was and stuff, then asked for my number.... eek... I did some spying thanks to good old facebook... and ohhhhh myyyyyy he is just as fit as he was 7 years ago, Im talking 6 pac the lot and the most beautiful face Ive ever seen on a bloke! It should be illegal to look so good!
Aaaaanyway, we have been texting and he has called me a few times but he is now asking to go out on a date.... he has been asking for a couple of weeks now and last night I run out of excuses... he lives 10mins from me when he is at home and ive agreed to go out with him next friday... now starting to panic, feel like Im lining myself up for another confidence knock.
Ive tried letting him know that I dont look like he remembers... but in a jokey way and he keeps telling me to stop being silly and stop worrying... oh well... another week of 100% and I could be in the 11s... still at least 2 stone heavier then I was when he last saw me.
I know its stupid to put so much on weight and if he doesnt like me as I am, then I should say screw him... but thats not easy to think that way when your confidence has already been destroyed, esp when someone likes me from my personality and from how they remember I looked, so if it doesnt like me now... its because of my weight. And yes I know that would make him shallow but it still hurts to know thats why someone doesnt like you!
Cor thats a long post... haha just needed to get it off my chest I guess