So far today I have managed to avoid weighing myself! Oh yes! Am going to do my best to wait until Sunday for my official weigh in.
Just had a strawberry shake. It's really nice. I only bought two because I wasn't keen on the Cambridge strawberry ones. Will definitely have to get some more!!
I really need to start working through my soups otherwise I'm going to have no shakes or bars left and have to have soup for breakfast! Yum! Lol.
Will sweet talk hubby next weekend into getting me another order
So far I'm finding it really easy to stay 100%.
I don't know if its because I'm busy looking after my little one or what, but so far I'm happy with my progress. It's been hard avoiding the sweet things - which only goes to show that it's not hunger that makes me want them - its greed.
Before this diet, even if I wasn't hungry I could still demolish a mountain of chocolate.
I'm hoping I can change my eating habits once I'm at target and change the way I perceive food.
I'm good with portion control on my main meals, it's all the snacking and boredom eating inbetween. I couldn't just have an afternoon cuppa - it had to be an afternoon cuppa with biscuits or cake.
If I met my friends for coffee I always had to have something with it.
I hope I can change these habits.
Anyway - to add to what I'm looking forward to:
Throwing away my frumpy fat clothes and not keeping them 'just incase' - there's no 'just incase'. I will get to target and maintain. Not keep my fat clothes just incase I lose control. If my new clothes feel tight then it means I need to slim down again to make them comfortable.
Right that's my motivational speech to myself over!
Nothing like a bit of philosophical reflection on a Friday morning!!
Hope everyone's having a great 100% day!! Xx