Yes! I remember wearing them (once,

*sniff* ) but they were so tight!! But the only problem I feel I face now with them is my mummy jelly belly. They may never fit.
In other news:
I've been squatting with my weights for 2 days now (tomorrow's a rest day!) - am finding it still pretty easy. I'm not bragging, I'm more concerned as to why it's not hurting. Don't get me wrong, I can feel it, and I'm pleased in still able to walk, I just assumed I wouldn't!! My friend says it's because I walk so much as it is that my legs are stronger. Hmmm.
So-being crazy-I decided to up my challenge!! I've printed out a 30 day plank challenge chart to tick off and ALSO (because 2 challenges aren't punishment enough!!) a 30 day arm challenge!
This ball gown I am wearing on 1st feb is strapless and I really want to try to do something about these wobbly flabby upper arms.
(Obviously not just for the ball, but it's certainly a motivator!).
Clinquant if looked at a few and the common denominator is 'chair dips'!!
Oh and push ups which I just did and got the giggles! Realise I have no upper body strength at all - clearly it's all in my squatting thighs!! Ha ha!
Luckily it was only 2 sets of 5!
Today's been good. Cor I'm on a ramble! Alert Alert!

Made a porridge pancake with the pack, egg, splash of milk and fry light. And put tuna and salad in it and wrapped it up like a - well a wrap! And it was delicious!! And soooooo filling! I had it at 4.30 and have one shake left but am still full up!! Was scrummy.
Nearly 4L of water done. Had choc wafers today too. And walked to my sister in laws which is up the hill of doom! Literally walking vertically pushing my pram for about ten minutes straight. But hey, Ol' Sammy super legs can do it! Lol.
She offered cake, I said no. Clap clap.
Hope everyone's had a good day.
I'll catch up on diaries slowly but surely
